11:20 am
December 15, 2020

2:18 pm
September 24, 2019

8:13 pm
December 26, 2020

I have received a Christmas gift from Oaken over several years. The last two years it has been a gift box of tea. The gift is "david's top 12", a box with 12 jars of loose tea. There is also a box of hemp temp filters. This box is labelled Oaken Financial.
Tea is not something I drink. The friend I passed it on to last year said it was nice.
This type of behaviour makes me think that Oaken stands out from the crowd. However, I still want a good interest rate when I am investing.
11:37 am
February 1, 2016

11:58 am
September 11, 2013

1:52 pm
October 21, 2013

I think most of us would prefer the cash equivalent (incl S&H!), or at least to be given a choice. Some people can't eat chocolate due to allergy, diabetes etc.
We won't change the direction the world is heading in by eliminating chocolate edeliveries though. We need to go after much bigger offenders.
3:08 pm
January 12, 2019

7:12 pm
October 21, 2013

9:44 am
January 12, 2019

Loonie said
. . .
I've removed almost all of the registered funds from Oaken because of the lack of registered savings accounts . . .
Every year for the last 5 years, I've asked Oaken when they're going to set up Registered SA's. And every year the answer is Always the same; "We're working on it".
And when I tell them; "That's what you told me last year", the line goes dead.
I say, keep the *&^%$# chocolates ... and give us Registered SA's ❗
My two centavos,
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:03 am
September 7, 2018

11:25 am
November 7, 2014

Some of you are way too critical. Many companies take your money without a thankyou and we accept that as normal. Oaken has, in recent memory, sent out a token gift just to thank its customers at holiday time. This kind of behaviour should be applauded, not criticized. It's not an opulant gift, but it's a nice touch when the rest of the world can be so negative and nasty. If you don't want the gift, find someone who likes chocolate and give it away. Shouldn't involve a lot of search time. Lots of chocoholics out there.
11:48 am
December 15, 2020

I completely agree with the last statement. I have never in all my years of dealing with banks, trust companies or other, had them offer me anything to say 'thank you' for being a customer. I think it's an excellent gesture on Oaken's part to send out their yearly gift. Many more companies should follow suit and extend a thank you to their customers. Especially in this day and age.
11:51 am
September 29, 2017

1:00 pm
January 12, 2019

canadian.100 said
The Oaken chocolates are mainly sugar and cocoa butter - the full box went straight into the garbage when I saw the ingredients. Why would I eat that garbage?
- This ⬆
Basically, Oaken is saying; "Thanks and Happy Holidays" to their customers, by handing out 'Edible Garbage'.
Govern yourselves accordingly,
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
1:12 pm
November 18, 2017

Sugar is nature's basic food. All the food we eat either contains sugar (virtually everything) or gets converted into sugar in the body. Control your total caloric intake and tune out all the anti-sugar hype, just like the "organic and natural" ads that try to make it sound like something good - with zero scientific backup.
1:26 pm
March 30, 2017

not sure why so much hatred when it is just a nice gesture from them ?
Send a christmas card, some complains it kills too many trees
Send a box of choc, some complains its all sugar and shit quality
My parents taught me if someone is nice enough to give me a gift, say thanks even when I absolutely "hate" the gift.
Maybe lock down for too long makes every one grumpy, even over a box of free chocolates lol
Please write your comments in the forum.