6:00 pm
September 11, 2013

7:53 am
December 7, 2011

2:37 pm
December 7, 2011

I also received today letter from Simplii via regular Canada Post dated Oct 3, 2022 "Notice of offer expiry".
Simplii wants me to know, that after this current offer will end (Oct 31, 2022), the interest rate for my HISA will be 0.40% and if I feel, that this account no longer fits my needs, I can close my account at any time.
Yes Simplii, thanks. You should save the trees and stop sending stupid letters. Instead, you should just post your regular and offers rates online, where I can see them together with my balances. It's 2022, not 1992, Simplii!
Anyone else also got that wonder letter "Notice of offer expiry"?
4:00 pm
September 11, 2013

Do they have your email address, and still they sent paper mail? I've received nothing.
Tangerine, online, for a while now has provided almost the exact same message before a promo ends when you sign in. I wonder if it's some new nanny state rules that tell fi's they have to "be transparent" about this stuff. Seems like I'm getting alerts about all kinds of stuff these days.
4:06 pm
April 14, 2021

4:55 pm
January 10, 2017

5:47 pm
September 11, 2013

7:36 am
December 7, 2011

HermanH said
I got one, too. I am soooo tempted to just close the account. It might allow me to be a 'new' customer in the future. I just hate the hassle of re-opening.
Exactly. I closed my account last year.
This year Simplii offered to me this offer, asked me to open new HISA.
I did it online very quickly, no problem with opening, no hassle, easy.
8:03 am
January 10, 2017

Bill said
If your funds are getting the promo rate, i.e. the funds over your June 30 balance, then 4.75% is the promo interest rate for Sept & Oct.
That does not match what is written in the Simplii screenshots in posts above, which references "deposits made in September-October" get 4.75% for these 2 months.
8:43 am
September 11, 2013

You're right, Lodown, maybe it's only 3.85%, there's conflicting info via chat and phone calls out there so to be conservative you could assume 3.85% for deposits in September and October for those on the promo, with the possibility of a pleasant surprise on promo interest payout day. With Simplii you're never sure until payout day.
9:05 am
April 6, 2013

Simplii still hasn't updated the terms and conditions of the targeted offer with details of how the updated 4.75% rate will be applied.
So, we can't be sure if the text of the screenshots is just missing a comma, like this:
We’re upping your interest rate from 3.85% to 4.75%
This applies to eligible deposits made to your High Interest Savings Account, between September 1 and October 31. …
There would be extra work if Simplii only wished to pay 4.75% on new money deposited September 1 or later.
Their offers work on average balance over a period. They would need to calculate average balance from July 1 to October 31 and pay 3.85% on the portion of the average balance that exceed closing June 30 balance.
They would then need to calculate average balance from September 1 to October 31 and pay an extra 4.75% - 3.85% = 0.9% on the portion of the average balance that exceeds both closing June 30 and closing August 30 balances.
9:31 am
September 11, 2013

I agree, that's normally how their promos work but this one is different due to the interest rate bumps during it plus the much higher rates than anywhere else on HISAs. But bottom line is there's a lack of clarity so best just to assume the worst in your decision making.
Actually for real clarity there should be another comma after "applies" but no way you're getting that level of precision these days.
11:27 am
December 7, 2011

Bill said
Do they have your email address, and still they sent paper mail? I've received nothing.
Yes, they have my email address.
They probably sending me paper mail because I closed HISA last year and they consider me "complainer", maybe, I don't know and absolutely don't care about what Simplii thinks about me.
11:41 am
September 11, 2013

Oh, I see, so they're probably just sending paper letters to former customers, not to everyone.
I've had a lot of money with them for this promo and am starting to draw it out in a week or so, wonder if CIBC has a plan for the inevitable massive outflow by lots of us.
Some big bank yields are tempting right now, BNS at 6.4%.
2:02 am
November 18, 2017

4:46 am
March 30, 2017

4:56 am
September 11, 2013

7:38 am
December 7, 2011

Bill said
Oh, I see, so they're probably just sending paper letters to former customers, not to everyone.
Bill, I remained Simplii customer all the time.
I only closed my HISA last year, because I did not received special offer and 0.1% was not "high interest" in my opinion.
I retained my checking account all the time.
This year I received an invitation to open again HISA with this current offer. I did it. Not sure, if I will close it again after interest will be paid in November.
Please write your comments in the forum.