4:25 am
September 29, 2020
8:34 am
November 18, 2017
10:11 am
January 12, 2019
RetirEd said
Piggybank - do you really want anyone to have information about all your financial accounts?
Ditto ⬆
I'm sure Intuit Mint (Mint.com) has lots of security features, but I would still elect to pass on it.
In my book ... The less exposure, the better ❗
- Dean
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
9:46 am
July 9, 2020
piggybank said
Hello everybody. I use mint.com to give me a bird's eye view on all of my bank accounts. I'm trying to add neo into my mint.com. but mint can't seem to find it. Has anybody here had success adding their neo savings account into their mint.com?
Maybe try adding Concentra, and see if the "Neo Savings Account" comes up? Neo isn't a FI/bank, so the same CDIC issue of Neo not coming up possibly applies to mint.com?
Please write your comments in the forum.