5:03 pm
September 24, 2019

7:54 am
April 27, 2022

9:14 am
September 24, 2019

10:00 am
April 27, 2022

1:59 pm
November 8, 2018

2:59 pm
January 11, 2020

3:50 pm
January 13, 2022

MattS said
5.25 for 5 too
The five year terms are getting interesting. Lots of people have suggested that long terms have plateaued. I've started thinking there is actually upward pressure on longer terms...I think it's gradually dawning on people/FIs that inflation is going to be lasting longer than expected, as Powell indicated yesterday. And that there isn't going to be a return to the freewheeling glory days of cheap money and 1.75% mortgages any time soon. Saven, Steinbach, Motive, all in the 5.2% range for five years. Even stodgy Meridian raising five year to 5% tomorrow. And, through brokerages, big banks now over 5%.
4:34 pm
September 24, 2019

7:48 pm
November 25, 2019

5:24 am
September 30, 2017

Alexandra's rates is effective today as per RateScoop. There may be an email in advance. 5.30% is the highest known bid for an 18-month term
2:03 pm
September 30, 2017

Rate Scoop - rates are changing as of Thursday, January 19
... chart's two to five years rate will be refreshed in due time. 18-month is manually.
18 Month Non-Redeemable GIC - Non-Registered | Registered
Current Rate 5.25% | 5.30%
New Rate 4.70% | 4.75%
Please write your comments in the forum.