6:23 am
April 21, 2022

7:51 am
February 6, 2019

After checking https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/profile/motive-financial/savings-account-rate-history/ it turns out that their promotional offer of 4.75% lasted only 4 days after Feb. 14 (when the promotion ended).
Since Feb. 18, 2025 the total rate is indeed 4.5% because the base rate went down from 2.75% to 2.5%.
I was aware that the 4.75% rate was not guaranteed for 120 days ... I was just hoping that it will last for more than 4 days after the promotion ended.
Even at 4.5% it is still competitive (but certainly not the best out there).
I will move funds accordingly.
10:48 am
October 27, 2020

rk said
Anyone else signed up for their promo (which ended on Feb. 14) offering 4.75% (2.5% base + 2.25% bonus) for 120 days?
I did.
When you log in, they do not show the total interest on the account (unlike other FIs, including Manulife Bank). They only show the base interest, which is 2.5%.
When I called the CSR they said that is 'normal', but I will see the promo interest posted on top of the base interest. That is accurate, I can see the two interest amounts posted today (March 1st)... only one problem: the bonus interest seems to be 2% instead of 2.25% , which brings the total down to 4.5% instead of the advertised 4.75%
(hope my math is correct)
Anyone else has noticed this?
Is this promotion for new clients only?
11:03 am
April 6, 2013

Yes, those were new Motive client offers. See previous discussion New client deposit earn 5.35 (formerly 5.75%) for 120 days.
Please write your comments in the forum.