2:19 am
May 19, 2022

I've been trying for several hours now to sign into Motive without any success. I don't understand why they can't put up a notice stating that they're having issues... or at least let us know when the site will be down for maintenance... like every other FI that I've ever dealt with. This has happened several times lately, and it's causing me to rethink tying up a ton of money into a bank which won't allow me to access these funds when I really need to.
Edit: I'm now finally seeing a message on the site that says "The online banking system cannot be accessed. Please try again later (code 000007001009)." SHEESH, how MUCH later?
3:14 am
October 5, 2017

3:35 am
May 19, 2022

bhuc said
I am able to login so it is up and running now !
Yeah, it was down for many hours, yet finally came back online shortly after I posted on here. I'm not sure why this keeps happening with Motive... and I don't really feel like calling them and waiting on hold forever to talk to someone about it. I just wish they would put a notice up, letting us know when they will be down for maintenance, or if they're having some other problem with their website.
4:23 am
February 7, 2019

Fogoguy said
Yeah, it was down for many hours, yet finally came back online shortly after I posted on here. I'm not sure why this keeps happening with Motive... and I don't really feel like calling them and waiting on hold forever to talk to someone about it. I just wish they would put a notice up, letting us know when they will be down for maintenance, or if they're having some other problem with their website.
At 3AM AB time, you might end up with just voicemail ...
4:25 am
October 27, 2018

Fogoguy said
Yeah, it was down for many hours, yet finally came back online shortly after I posted on here. I'm not sure why this keeps happening with Motive... and I don't really feel like calling them and waiting on hold forever to talk to someone about it. I just wish they would put a notice up, letting us know when they will be down for maintenance, or if they're having some other problem with their website.
Glad it worked out well for you.
I was curious because I had a Transfer out from Motive executed yesterday and was waiting for the In at other FI. I checked and it was fine.
I lost patience with the 3.0% yield at MF when there was a Promo 5% yield at Tang/Simplii/HSBC/BMO etc.
4.8% Cash ETFs yield and 4.0% Investment Savings Accounts yields.
I go to where the Returns are. Hopefully, MF will increase their yields, or maybe not.
Please write your comments in the forum.