Motive keeps separate Interac transfer limits for accounts | Motive Financial | Discussion forum

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Motive keeps separate Interac transfer limits for accounts
July 20, 2024
7:24 am
Forum Posts: 1213
Member Since:
November 8, 2018
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

I have found that Motive Cha-Ching account has separate Interac transfer limit from Savvy Savings account.

According to Motive, daily maximum outbound Interac transfer is $3,000.

I wanted to move $6K from Motive, so I split it by $3K transfer from Cha-Ching and almost simultaneous $3K transfer from Savvy Savings accounts.
Both transfers went through and arrived to their destinations.

It is possible this existed before, but I never tried, because Savvy Savings account used to have Interac transfer fees. It no longer does, making this feasible.

July 20, 2024
9:48 am
Forum Posts: 316
Member Since:
April 21, 2022
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Thanks for posting, wouldn't have known otherwise.

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