12:22 pm
March 20, 2022

Bill said
Financial industry no different than any other, shortage of willing workers everywhere. Plus we love our nanny state so much so there are always more requirements, regulation, etc. I now can get texts or emails pretty well every time I make a move (did I really mean to do that? was it really me? etc) so you can't tell me setting all that up and keeping it up to date doesn't tie up resources.
Motive's systems suck .. that's the main problem. Even for people who were able to sign up easily using the new process (assuming that they could be verified), it's only so seamless because it utilizes tech developed by third parties.
12:26 pm
September 11, 2013

12:44 pm
April 21, 2022

I must be the exception, never had a problem with Motive since opening an account with them 3 1/2 years ago. Their banking platform is dated, yet flawless and fast. The issue seems to be processes and procedures folks often mention, all banks have their quirks, some more than others. I choose to roll with the punches as annoying as it may be at times, if it becomes too much, I end the relationship and move on.
1:01 pm
December 20, 2019

Nope, I too have never had any issues with them.
Other than the paper way of opening everything once it was open I only had good experiences with them.
The main thing is I was always able to move my money in larger quantities. I can tell you I have moved enough money through motive that bogs down most places like canadian tire, laurentian. b2b, motus etc.
There are very few institutions that are able to help me when I truly need to move funds. Hubert is another on that seems to have no issue moving larger funds when needed.
4:30 pm
May 19, 2022

So, it has now been about six weeks since I applied for my Savvy Savings account with Motive Financial, (yup, six weeks!) and as of this afternoon I am able to report back here to say that I have an actual savings account with Motive! Now, how on earth it could possibly have taken anywhere near this long to open a simple savings account is beyond my comprehension... but just as I was ready to completely give up on the whole idea of ever having an account with Motive, I got my confirmation email today, along with the obligatory two micro-deposits in my linked account. I called in to confirm the micro-deposits, and I've gotta say that not only did someone pick up right away, but she was very friendly, professional and helpful; I couldn't have asked for more. By the time I got off the phone I had all of my questions/concerns answered, and it was such a surprisingly helpful and friendly conversation that I had all but forgotten just how bad the past month-and-a-half of waiting had been. I mean, honestly, a simple savings account application should not take anywhere near this much time to set up, but the CS rep was just fantastic, and of course I am now much relieved, and quite pleased, that in the end it all worked out, and I'm finally able to take advantage of what must be about the highest (non-promo) savings acct interest rate anywhere.
So I'm transferring all of my EQ Bank savings over to Motive now; I feel that I gave them more than enough time to get around to raising their (savings acct) interest rates to something resembling what we're seeing from most of the competition these days, but now it's time to move on and start enjoying rates that are actually close to double that of EQ Bank. I will continue to use EQ for my GIC'S though, as these rates are pretty competitive.
Anyway, I just wanted to provide this update to my fellow forum members... to let you know that it finally all worked out in the end. Yes, it was indeed a rocky start, followed by far too much time waiting, but I'm glad that I didn't give up a couple weeks ago. I can sort of understand some amount of delay, as they're most certainly swamped/overwhelmed with the sharp increase in the numbers of account applications in recent weeks. I think that this bank would benefit from finding ways to simplify/streamline the entire application process.
To anyone else out there who may be in the same annoying, seemingly-endless waiting game with Motive, just hang in there folks! I'm sure they're trying their best to get everyone's new accounts up and running. You'll get it eventually... just don't hold your breath in the meantime!
5:24 am
August 5, 2022

Jimmy said
I tried opening an account years ago. They claimed that equifax or transunion (I forget which) could not verify my address where I lived for over 6 years. They asked for an original utility bill to be mailed to them. I couldn't be bothered so I opened an account at EQ Bank, and more recently at Neo and Hubert. All without any issues and all online. Not sure what happened with Motive claiming my address couldn't be confirmed.
I received my Equifax and Transunion free reports. Transunion had my old land line phone number from my previous address attached to my new address along with my new cell number. Everything else was ok. Don't see how a simple thing like that could cause a problem as I've opened multiple other accounts and received credit cards without issues after Motive's application.
Please write your comments in the forum.