Money transfer error in May
May 18, 2016
8:51 pm
8:51 pm
Forum Posts: 32
Member Since:
May 18, 2016
May 18, 2016

I happened to transfer money from CDF to Tangerine on May 8 2016 after CDF system transition. The system screwed. Tangerine account showed two transfer that is doubled. Then CDF somehow reversed one transfer that caused Tangerine changed me 25$ overdraft. Tangerine is nice enough to refund me 25$ after I called. Now ten days after the transaction money on my CDF and Tangerine accounts are incorrect because of error from CDF. I tried to get statements from CDF web to keep a record in case it's get worse. But all statements showing 0$ balance. I hope CDF can fix its problem soon. The system transition is a nightmare. I am scared so I may transfer all money out of CDF.
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