7:24 am
February 17, 2013

Hi! I am in BC and Coast Capital has me P/O'd, so I am thinking of making my CDF checking account the main account for my daily banking; ie payroll deposit and bill payments. My only concern is any possible delay in my paycheck showing up in my account. Does anybody here have their paycheck deposited directly to CDF? If so, are there any issues or concerns using CDF as your main institution?How about EFT's? My Peoples account takes a full day to go through but ING is usually same day. Is there a time lag for EFT's with CDF? Thanx for your time!!
10:11 am
August 27, 2013

I have been using CDF since 2010 (or early 2011) and i didn't have any problem with them, unfortunately when it comes to EFTs, payroll deposit and bill payments, its PC Financial that I use and had no issue with them.
[since my PCF account is linked to CDF, after i received my payroll/pay to PCF, i do an EFT from PCF to CDF and it takes on the average 4-5days to complete the whole transfer]
9:31 am
February 17, 2013

7:58 pm
August 27, 2013

[edit] correction, total days in the transfer is actually at least 10 business days, and not 4-5 days as stated before.
as i have observed it, the process for PCF to CDF transfer is actually like this timeline:
day1-i requested a fund transfer from the CDF website [electronic fund transfer from PCF to CDF]
day2-CDF will email stating they received an fund transfer and will act on it on a day or two.
day3 to day5(or 6 or 7 or 8)-you will receive the money in your account but it is still on "hold" status.
after you received your funds on CDF, wait at least 5 days for the "hold" status to be removed.
after that, at day10(or more) the money is there totally no hold.
actually [LOL] its faster when i do the "old school" walk and go to an PCFinancial ABM, withdraw cash from it, then go to a exchange network ABM deposit the cash to my CDF account (or proceed to that good looking female bank teller). After that, wait for five days for the "holds" to be released and that it! money is live. actually the process took less than ten days. Of course nothing beats just going home and just do my online transfer there but if i want to walk/exercise/speak with a human being and go "chat" to a good looking female teller, i might do it "old school" style.
8:42 am
December 12, 2009

Are you saying you can go into a Canadian Western Bank branch to access (i.e., deposit/withdraw funds) your Canadian Direct Financial account, msl? My understanding is that although CDF is owned by CWB, no in-branch access was permitted. Any clarification that you have would be appreciated.
P.S. You do realize there are male bank "tellers", (I prefer "Customer Service Representatives" or some other variant, to be honest.) don't you?
2:07 pm
December 12, 2009

hey msl,
Good to hear from you! No worries on the terminology - "teller" vs. "CSR", I just prefer the latter but you can use whatever you like. You were commenting on the attractiveness of "tellers" and so I thought I'd have a little fun with you by reminding you there are quite a few male "tellers".
In terms of "walking into a branch" and utilizing "teller" transactional services, what bank were you referring to (just curious)?
10:09 am
December 12, 2009

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