6:31 pm
October 4, 2018
I'm looking for any input on short-term open mortgage rates (6 months to a year).
It seems like True North Mortgage offers some of the most favorable rates in the country but if anyone has any suggestions or knows of any other companies with comparable or favorable rates, I would love to hear your input.
Just thought I would put it out there and ask.
Thanks in advance!
7:25 pm
October 27, 2013
7:54 pm
April 27, 2017
The rates offered by True North are designed to help people qualify if they are struggling to meet income requirements. This rate will go up after 6 months. Of course you can change the mortgage provider after 6 months but you would have to qualify. And True North would impose a penalty if you do that.
Might be ok in your circumstances but make sure you don’t just plan for the 6 months.
9:38 pm
April 6, 2013
True North Mortgage is actually a mortgage broker and not a lender.
It is likely similar rates are available through other brokers as well from the same lenders.
As AltaRed noted, watch out for the conditions. For example, their six-month 3.99% fixed rate has a 1% admin fee if one doesn't renew with them at the end of the six months.
10:41 pm
October 21, 2013
I agree with what has been said. Don't just go by the rate. I suggest speaking to a few mortgage brokers and institutional lenders to get a feel for how this market works: listen carefully and ask questions.
The lowest rates are most likely to have a catch - whether it's the exit fee, credit report on you, your income, or whatever, these things can all change that rate and who is willing to lend to you.
Ask for a quote for your particular situation. Try to get that all lined up before you buy, and note how long the rate is guaranteed for (in writing).
I would recommend that you NOT plan to change lenders down the road. It's a pain in the neck. Sometimes it may be necessary, but try to choose a lender you think you can stick with. I have none to recommend as I haven't had a mortgage for a long time. Nowadays I'd consult a broker though.
Be aware that rates can and usually should be negotiated, particularly if you're a desirable borrower. I wish I'd known that way back when!
Line up your best 2 or 3 solid offers from lenders and ask them to compete favourably with the other guys' offers; always be polite and fair about it.
5:10 am
April 27, 2017
8:17 am
April 6, 2013
Their in-house lender is THINK Financial. THINK Financial is not exclusive to True North Mortgage either:
We currently underwrite more than a billion dollars of mortgages a year. THINK Financial products are available exclusively through a very limited number of mortgage brokerages, starting with True North Mortgage.
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