4:08 pm
September 25, 2019

Well said, smayer...
Whilst I do not have the firsthand experience mentioned in here...
To think, that because you have the proper, legal documentation of a name change, that every FI fix will take 5m, is devoid of critical thought. I know a few people that go by their middle name, which is to say, it's not a rare occurrence. That said, every FI should have a consistently concise & precise procedure for this occurrence. Since many do not - do you think they will have a concise & proper process for a legal name change? Wrong. What if you live in a different province than that of birth? Think that's going to be a simple process? Do you think all the people/FIs with which you deal are competent and conscientious? If that has been your life experience - let me know where this magical place, of yeti unicorns (wait, this is Canada - sasquatch unicorns) exists - I want to move there.
To intimate that it's my fault for not changing the nomenclature my parents bestowed upon me, at birth, is devoid of critical thought; they make it sound tantamount to a decision to change the brand of toothpaste you use. I guarantee you the process will be HELL, especially if you have as many FI involvements as the people in this forum. In the meantime, you could run into financial issues, potentially destroy your credit rating, and, perhaps, negatively impact your employment. Do you think that's worth it?
My 2 cents.
6:11 pm
October 21, 2013

Over a year ago, my then-98 year old mother's OHIP and Citizenship cards became lost.
When I tried to replace them, it was a nightmare. The gov't no longer issues citizenship cards, and that was her primary photo ID. I looked into getting her the provincial ID card, but didn't have necessary documents to do so. It's a runaround. X requires Y requires Z requires X, and so on.
The kicker was that they wouldn't accept her birth certificate, which was issued in England, in the English language, a Commonwealth country run under the same monarchy! For reasons unknown to me, she dos not have a paper copy of Cdn citizenship.
She is a dual Canadian-British citizen. i was at the point of considering getting her a British passport as a possible means of getting something else when I got a call from her local hospital. EMS staff had found her OHIP and Citizenship cards (which she always carried in the same plastic pouch) in one of their ambulances. Would I please come and pick it up? It had been months since she'd been in that ambulance. I'd already inquired at various levels at the hospital and a search had been done of her hospital room.
As is often the way with emergencies, nobody had accompanied her to the hospital. I, her next of (and only) kin, did not even know she was there for 3 days because nobody bothered to inform me despite the fact that she was clearly terrified and in need of support. I am not sure I would go to Southlake hospital even if my life depended on it. No end of problems over many years. She no longer lives in their catchment, thank goodness!
But the idiocy involved in trying to replace documents for someone of such an age who had lived here for 74 years, files her taxes every year, and has several valid documents they refuse to accept is beyond ridiculous. It's frightening.
10:50 pm
April 6, 2013

Loonie said
Over a year ago, my then-98 year old mother's OHIP and Citizenship cards became lost.
When I tried to replace them, it was a nightmare. The gov't no longer issues citizenship cards, and that was her primary photo ID. I looked into getting her the provincial ID card, but didn't have necessary documents to do so. It's a runaround. X requires Y requires Z requires X, and so on.
The kicker was that they wouldn't accept her birth certificate, which was issued in England, in the English language, a Commonwealth country run under the same monarchy! For reasons unknown to me, she dos not have a paper copy of Cdn citizenship.
Any older paper Canadian citizenship certificate had to be surrendered to obtain the certificate as a plastic citizenship photo card.
For the Ontario photo card, the only birth certificates accepted are Canadian and US ones. However, both Canadian and foreign passports are accepted.
I would apply for an Ontario photo card now with the plastic citizenship photo card found!
As you found out, that card cannot be replaced. The federal government stopped issuing citizenship certificates as a plastic card in 2012. Any replacement will be an 8½" x 11" paper certificate that has no photo and is not recognized as ID.
1:13 am
October 21, 2013

I would like to get her the Ontario photo card, but I don't think it can be done remotely. Right now, it is not safe, and maybe not even possible.
At the moment, and it is always a risk, her retirement home is in outbreak (again) and she is not allowed out of her room.
In the meanwhile I guard that citizenship card like it was gold!
I can't tell you how furious it makes me that a US birth certificate is honoured but an English one is not.
Our governments have conspired against ordinary Canadians who are just trying to live their lives. And it gets worse all the time.
10:35 pm
April 6, 2013

Unfortunately, one needs to visit a Service Ontario office to get an Ontario photo card. Like a driver's license, a photo needs to be taken.
There's likely not enough demand to set up the infrastructure to validate UK birth certificates as there is with US birth certificates. Any security features on such old documents themselves can't be relied on anymore.
4:30 pm
October 21, 2013

Mum's original birth certificate was good enough to get her Canadian citizenship and passports.
It's not difficult to get new certified copies of old birth certificates from the UK. I have ordered quite a number of them for genealogical research, going back to 1837.
Further, the diligent researcher can find at least the indexed information on all such births on the ancestry website which is available through pretty well all public libraries as scanned lists. It would be impossible to find another person with the same name as my mother born in the same quarter of the same year in the same district in England, which is how the index lists them. At some point, common sense should enter into this but it rarely does.
As for US birth certificates, they are issued by state, not by country so will vary widely.
4:26 pm
May 21, 2021

Update: started opening an account on May 19th or 200th, June 8th now an haven't been told if my account is approved yet. The account process was the worst one I've ever done online, with some misrepresentations, after you take a picture of a cheque AND sign in with some third party that you give your main bank password to, then you are told you have to either do a live picture id plus photo of Drivers license or passport or do a utility bill plus transfer $1. Once you do the first though, they say ok, now do the other process to finish up 🙁
Plus the nonsense of depending what page you are linked to the offer is completely different, this bank is a joke.
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