5:14 am
March 17, 2018

You can expect to be audited by CRA if you have been using TurboTax to file for a family with children.
When entering child care expenses turbotax was populating an amount based on only the lower income spouses income instead of the household income even when preparing the returns together.
TurboTax coding error causing major CRA reassessments for some Ontario families
byu/twitpigeon95 inPersonalFinanceCanada
5:16 am
March 30, 2017

CAD said
Don't you think they fixed that error since that post was from 2021???
Not sure I followed. Where does it indicate the post being from 2021 ?
And if it's indeed from 2021, how do they even know it will affect 2022 and 2023 and after aware of the bug, still not fixed for 2 years into the future ?
6:02 am
November 6, 2018

savemoresaveoften said
Not sure I followed. Where does it indicate the post being from 2021 ?
And if it's indeed from 2021, how do they even know it will affect 2022 and 2023 and after aware of the bug, still not fixed for 2 years into the future ?
The OP’s linked Reddit post is only 1 day old. TurboTax had not corrected the error so it affected 2021, 2022 and 2023 returns. A comment on the original Reddit post explains the situation more clearly and then another commenter indicated they had been reassessed and penalized because of it. (See attached screenshot.)
Please write your comments in the forum.