2:24 pm
April 11, 2020

2:28 pm
October 27, 2013

Your post is not clear which Scotia entities you are talking about. Scotia iTrade does not issue T5 tax slips for the ISAs such as DYN6005. They are deposit accounts and T5 tax slips will come from the banking arm, i.e. Scotiabank and will be in paper form. Same thing applies at BMO Investorline et al.
2:57 pm
April 11, 2020

The T5 slip sent by mail was issued by The Bank of Novia Sotia 40 Temperance Street, Toronto. This slip is showing the correct amount from USD interest and in CAD. We tried all FX rates, daily or average none fits.
Online I got a T5-slip from SCOTIA CAPITAL INC, 40 King Str. West. Showing the same amount in UD but isn't showing showing any CAD conversion.
None of the is showing incom from my DYN 5005.
4:02 pm
October 27, 2013

The T5 slip received in the mail from Bank of Nova Scotia is for your DYN600x series of ISAs. I have not received mine yet so cannot comment on exchange rate they may have used to convert USD to CAD. Normally it should be the BoC annual forex rate of 1.3698 but they may have used the monthly rate published by BoC for each month's interst. I will look once I receive mine.
Scotia Capital T5s will be issued separately for CAD and USD sides of accounts. It is up to you to use 1.3698 exchange rate (BoC annual rate) to convert USD to CAD in your tax filing. These T5s do not include any interest income from the DYN series of ISAs.
I will speculate/guess DYN5005 tax slip will most likely be separately issued by Bank of Nova Scotia Trust Company, not Bank of Nova Scotia. I've never owned the DYN500x series of ISAs.
5:20 pm
April 11, 2020

Thank you, very helpful.
Your comment regarding Scotia Capital T5s fits 100%
Unfortuantely, the T5 slip received in the mail from Bank of Nova Scotia didn't include any interest from DYN600x series of ISAs. The T5 shows the correct inteest of interest from USD GICs.
I will wait and see if further slips arrive.
7:07 pm
October 27, 2013

7:03 am
December 26, 2020

5:52 pm
April 22, 2022

As noted, the DYN6004 T5s are issued by BNS.
However, they come in an envelope that says Dynamic Funds as the sender.
(Haven't verified the amounts yet)
As an aside, ITrade / Dynamic still have not corrected the address field after 2 years which actually prints my current & previous address. Fortunately CanPost chose the right address. I've noted ITrade are really bad dealing with mutual funds -- even their own -- addresses, rounding errors, closing accounts etc.
Please write your comments in the forum.