10:05 am
September 11, 2013
Here's how to figure out how much OAS she was getting:
10:23 am
December 12, 2009
Bill said
Here's how to figure out how much OAS she was getting:
So, basically, other than for the exceptions listed, presumably related to legislative changes in 1952 and 1977, to qualify for full OAS at one's age 65, one has to have not lived outside of Canada for seven or more years. For every year lived outside of Canada after those seven years, one's OAS pension is reduced by 1/40th.
So, moral of story: stay in Canada for substantially all of your life.
3:58 pm
April 26, 2019
Ok 2 down. 3 to go
Address change done.
T1 for 2018 done.
Rodster Here is a T1 Fillable form.
Still need to do:
Finalize CRA account with code.
Find 2 missing T4A's
Complete taxes for 2019
Please write your comments in the forum.