2:08 pm
September 30, 2017

Anyone here use this? Being a rep or having a rep at their personal tax files?
... I think it may be a useful feature among *trusted* family members.
5:54 am
September 11, 2013

8:05 am
February 16, 2013

I used this feature when my parents were elderly and needed help completing and filing their income taxes. I was also able to complete prior year adjustments easily when my mother found a medical expense receipt after the fact. I set myself up to receive all of CRA's correspondence via email (like Notice of Assessment, etc.) instead of waiting for snail mail from my parents - who did not have internet or a computer.
In addition, I currently use this feature as a volunteer treasurer for a local charity. It is very handy to receive the email notifications from CRA and also file everything online as needed.
8:27 am
September 30, 2017

I newbie to this ... getting mix results so far.
When my spouse grant me the authorization, an expiry date is attached to the authorization. We picked Apr 30, 2023. Yet to see if there will be reminder around that date.
Then I tried to make the authorization request to a child (18+), the system keep saying there is an matching error.
8:40 am
September 11, 2013

This page has all the info you need to be set up as a representative and for others to authorize you, at whatever level they choose, to be their representative. Maybe you already have this link.
Please write your comments in the forum.