Cca recapture on rental property
April 11, 2023
3:27 pm
3:27 pm
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
April 11, 2023
April 11, 2023

Wondering if someone can help.
Our primary residence is in the U.K., we moved to canada in 2019. Fair market value of property was 404k cad , when we moved. Property originally purchased in 2012 for 303k cad.
We rented it out when we moved and are now looking to selling for approx 453k - our account has claimed Cca for each year of tax filing as we didn’t foresee staying in canada.
House is owned 50/50 how significant is the ggt and recapture like to be ?
Viewing my returns
2019 - Cca 2k each
2020 3k each
2021 6k each and 2022 will be 3800 each approx ?
How horrible will my tax bill be - my employment income is around 38k per annum but my husbands 180k
Thank you
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