12:43 pm
January 7, 2023

8:24 am
January 3, 2009

savemoresaveoften said
Yes they send a email daily what’s arriving. I have the CanadaPost app and I see I can also sign in there for Mymail but I didn’t. Never use the app for that purpose yet, only for parcel tracking so far.
So I hadn't received any email notifications to my email yet, but I received 3 pieces of mail yesterday so I went into the app through my desktop emulator and saw that receiving an email notification was not selected. It's bizarre, because I am sure I went through the options and selected that as it's the only reason I'm using mymail and it was the first option I checked, because I already had looked at it. lol!
More concerning is the app shows I should have received 8 pieces of mail this week. I've received 3. 4 of the mail I have not received I do not know who the sender is and maybe the mail person tossed them because I don't want unsolicited mail (I would not think that's the practice), but one is from a financial institution I have a credit card with. I'm not expecting a new card so not sure what it was. The person delivering mail in our neighbourhood is imo negligent to the point of criminality if their success rate is less than 50% and the lovely neighbours are proving even more lovely as they are keeping even more of our mail than I thought.
Against my preference, but due to the unreliability of the mail deliverer, I've changed everything to digital delivery I can over time as canada post does not care and takes no actions upon my complaints, but it's not possible for everyone I deal with. Mymail could prove very useful when expecting important mail as just 2 days of using it shows I'm only receiving 37.5% of the mail directed to me.
I hope other people are not experiencing what I am experiencing with my mail not ending up delivered to me 72.8% of the time, but given it's T5 season people may want to use mymail as a form of tracking sensitive mail to ensure they are actually receiving it. (I hope that calms RetirED)
This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Newman doesn't get the transfer to Hawaii because Jerry delivers the mail for him and successfully delivers more than 50% of the mail.
Does your junk mail show up in your mymail notifications? I thought it would only show mail addressed to you, but I see on the website they actually notify you about more things than that:
What types of mail are included in MyMail?
Through MyMail, we’ll update you about incoming LettermailTM, Personalized MailTM and Neighbourhood MailTM.
9:29 am
November 15, 2018

10:37 am
March 30, 2017

phrank said
So I hadn't received any email notifications to my email yet, but I received 3 pieces of mail yesterday so I went into the app through my desktop emulator and saw that receiving an email notification was not selected. It's bizarre, because I am sure I went through the options and selected that as it's the only reason I'm using mymail and it was the first option I checked, because I already had looked at it. lol!
More concerning is the app shows I should have received 8 pieces of mail this week. I've received 3. 4 of the mail I have not received I do not know who the sender is and maybe the mail person tossed them because I don't want unsolicited mail (I would not think that's the practice), but one is from a financial institution I have a credit card with. I'm not expecting a new card so not sure what it was. The person delivering mail in our neighbourhood is imo negligent to the point of criminality if their success rate is less than 50% and the lovely neighbours are proving even more lovely as they are keeping even more of our mail than I thought.
Against my preference, but due to the unreliability of the mail deliverer, I've changed everything to digital delivery I can over time as canada post does not care and takes no actions upon my complaints, but it's not possible for everyone I deal with. Mymail could prove very useful when expecting important mail as just 2 days of using it shows I'm only receiving 37.5% of the mail directed to me.
I hope other people are not experiencing what I am experiencing with my mail not ending up delivered to me 72.8% of the time, but given it's T5 season people may want to use mymail as a form of tracking sensitive mail to ensure they are actually receiving it. (I hope that calms RetirED
This reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Newman doesn't get the transfer to Hawaii because Jerry delivers the mail for him and successfully delivers more than 50% of the mail.
Does your junk mail show up in your mymail notifications? I thought it would only show mail addressed to you, but I see on the website they actually notify you about more things than that:
What types of mail are included in MyMail?
Through MyMail, we’ll update you about incoming LettermailTM, Personalized MailTM and Neighbourhood MailTM.
If i remembered correctly, when mine was set up, they asked me a second time again to setup, which I also did. And I receive a email update daily.
When you say your alert show 8 but u only rec 3 etc, are 5 out of 8 shows as 'general mail' in the email alert ? I believe most if not all 'general mail' category are flyers, coupons, municipal newsletter etc, which are "general' and that "specific" sender. Since you have a note to opt out of those, maybe thats why you dont receive everything per the email suggested.
so far, this email alert serves my purpose and its free.
1:19 pm
January 3, 2009

savemoresaveoften said
If i remembered correctly, when mine was set up, they asked me a second time again to setup, which I also did. And I receive a email update daily.
When you say your alert show 8 but u only rec 3 etc, are 5 out of 8 shows as 'general mail' in the email alert ? I believe most if not all 'general mail' category are flyers, coupons, municipal newsletter etc, which are "general' and that "specific" sender. Since you have a note to opt out of those, maybe thats why you dont receive everything per the email suggested.so far, this email alert serves my purpose and its free.
By general mail you mean just regular mail right, like not trackable packages? Yes, this is general mail then. All of my mail since friday has been general mail. I believe 4 of the 5 mail I did not receive could have been flyers, but some senders names are too ambiguous to know. One is for sure something from a financial institution which is not a flyer.
Thank you for describing your experience. Hopefully I will receive an email update tomorrow. I just checked in app and todays mail is still showing at out for delivery so I am also hoping I will get it as it's probably a paper copy of document I've requested.
1:52 pm
March 30, 2017

phrank said
By general mail you mean just regular mail right, like not trackable packages? Yes, this is general mail then. All of my mail since friday has been general mail. I believe 4 of the 5 mail I did not receive could have been flyers, but some senders names are too ambiguous to know. One is for sure something from a financial institution which is not a flyer.
Thank you for describing your experience. Hopefully I will receive an email update tomorrow. I just checked in app and todays mail is still showing at out for delivery so I am also hoping I will get it as it's probably a paper copy of document I've requested.
I think in Canada Post lingo, general mail refers to those mail that do not have a specific name as the sender, so all the flyers, McD coupons and similar are all categorized as ‘general mail’ in the email alert.
For example when Equity CU sends out the paper T5, email alert will say a mail arriving from Equity CU specifically.
2:58 pm
January 3, 2009

savemoresaveoften said
I think in Canada Post lingo, general mail refers to those mail that do not have a specific name as the sender, so all the flyers, McD coupons and similar are all categorized as ‘general mail’ in the email alert.
For example when Equity CU sends out the paper T5, email alert will say a mail arriving from Equity CU specifically.
Oh ok, then none of the mail I haven't received was general mail as it all has a name for the sender. Interesting info, thanks.
6:19 am
January 25, 2024

savemoresaveoften said If i remembered correctly, when mine was set up, they asked me a second time again to setup, which I also did.
I did set up My Mail app once. It did verify me through app and showed incoming flyer (as mail).
Next day it wanted to verify me again asking me to bring a code shown on app to post office with any ID showing my name/address. They mentioned ALL info regarding that ID will be recorded.
Well, I DO NOT want Can Post to record and KEEP any info of my IDs. Security incidents occur more and and more the days and I do not want hackers to have any info of my ID in their hands.
I cannot stop them hacking banks, government, utilities but at least I can minimize chances for another breach.
Enough experience with Peoples Trust when after breach they put a flag on my credit file for few years without asking me first.
Bottom line is I deleted Can post app as I see no benefit of having it. I know exactly which mail is coming and approximate time frame and walking to mail box is not a big deal.
8:53 am
January 3, 2009

CAD said
savemoresaveoften said If i remembered correctly, when mine was set up, they asked me a second time again to setup, which I also did.
I did set up My Mail app once. It did verify me through app and showed incoming flyer (as mail).
Next day it wanted to verify me again asking me to bring a code shown on app to post office with any ID showing my name/address. They mentioned ALL info regarding that ID will be recorded.
Well, I DO NOT want Can Post to record and KEEP any info of my IDs. Security incidents occur more and and more the days and I do not want hackers to have any info of my ID in their hands.
I cannot stop them hacking banks, government, utilities but at least I can minimize chances for another breach.
Enough experience with Peoples Trust when after breach they put a flag on my credit file for few years without asking me first.Bottom line is I deleted Can post app as I see no benefit of having it. I know exactly which mail is coming and approximate time frame and walking to mail box is not a big deal.
I'm halfway to deleting this app as well. I didn't receive an email notification today and I had mail showing out for delivery all day yesterday in the app, which never arrived according to the app until sometime after I stopped checking after 10pm. The good news is we did get the mail from the financial institution (a T5 from Oaken), but we didn't get the mail from another sender. Today the mail says general mail so I guess we won't receive anything as that's junk mail.
The best solution for canada post imo is going digital when possible and using other companies for delivery of packages like UPS or FedEX.
8:58 am
November 15, 2018

11:53 am
March 30, 2017

phrank said
The best solution for canada post imo is going digital when possible and using other companies for delivery of packages like UPS or FedEX.
Canada Post still exists for mail delivery because there are still corporations out that that sends snail mail for whatever reasons, some valid, some are just legacy and refuse to change.
12:41 pm
November 18, 2017

My T1 tax package arrived yesterday (Feb 7 Wednesday). The buggers have removed much of the line-by-line guidance and told us to go on-line for details! They also say we should consult the previous year's obsolete guidance, despite the many changes to our returns over the last two years.
Hah! And if we do, we'll likely soon be marked for no-actual-mail status as Telus did some years ago until the Federal Government leaned on them. (They called it the pay-to-pay scandal back then, when Telus stopped sending paper bills and demanded a fee for the service.)
I'll keep calling the CRA for info when I need it. If they don't see a need, they won't provide it.
The E-mail notification is not of any interest to me, phrank. If I don't get my mail, I call the sender. If MyMail didn't tell me my mail was on the way, I'd STILL need to call.
And if our postal employees can't properly deliver our mail, what makes anyone think they'd properly enter the MyMail information?
1:42 pm
January 3, 2009

RetirEd said
And if our postal employees can't properly deliver our mail, what makes anyone think they'd properly enter the MyMail information?
That's because employees aren't entering the info into MyMail. It's done by scanners and that technology is reliable and that part of the setup seems to have been done properly, it's everything in outside the input of the data that is causing me problems.
If the technology is sound, I prefer using established technological solutions as a way to deal with less people. The technology can only do what it is told in the majority of situations at this point, so if it is setup right and maintained properly it is much more reliable than dealing with people and that's more true today than it was just a decade ago.
It is ridiculous how they keep forcing you to do things their preferred way, so I thank you for calling CRA and I admire your energy and perseverance to do things the way you do.
2:12 pm
October 27, 2013

phrank said
The best solution for canada post imo is going digital when possible and using other companies for delivery of packages like UPS or FedEX.
Or Purolator which CP owns. If you look at CP's annual reports, you will see that the 'letter mail' portion of the business flows more and more red ink each year. Volumes are declining and yet more and more postal addresses are added to the postal system. It is mostly the Purolator part of the business that keeps CP afloat, and to a lesser extent, the parcel business. Something is going to have to 'give' in the not too distant future on letter mail and direct mail (flyers, mass distribution).
2:49 pm
March 30, 2017

phrank said
That's because employees aren't entering the info into MyMail. It's done by scanners and that technology is reliable and that part of the setup seems to have been done properly, it's everything in outside the input of the data that is causing me problems.
Yeah if the scanner at the sorter can not reliably tell who the sender is, it gets categorized as "general mail". That is not nothing wrong with that in my mind. No different from when banks try to categorize my credit card or bank account money flow into categories, and are more wrong than correct most of the time.
if you dont find that info useful, dont use it. But i still rather see it than not, especially the MyMail which I dont see a single downside to me.
8:04 pm
November 18, 2017

7:36 am
March 30, 2017

8:52 am
January 3, 2009

RetirEd said
My first T5 has just arrived through the door - Home Trust is the winner!I won't be reporting all of them to keep some privacy about my holdings.
phrank: Those are a lot of "ifs" in your praise of those Canada Post scanners!
Dealing with properly setup technology of any sort; whether it's a stone wheel or AI; involves a whole lot less ifs than dealing with more humans. The humans in this particular equation can't even match up a number on an envelope to a number on a box reliably.
Almost all the food in stores is grown, harvested, distributed and sold using scanning technology. Even if you somehow entered all your groceries manually into the computer charging you for your items, you can't avoid the same scanning tech used at every other step unless you live off grid and grow/raise all your food yourself.
The t5 you received in the mail would not have arrived without scanning technology functioning correctly.
The world we live in is not possible without scanning technology, so I'll go ahead and use it when it benefits me and not worry about the ifs of scanning. I know I'll never change your mind and I don't care. I want to hear other peoples points of view which don't match up with mine so I can improve my own opinions and make them closer to facts. I got tired of the constant nit picking of any opinion I would post to share my points of view so I try to put imo or words like if to prevent people from being offended by the sharing of my experiences.
If you want my true sentiment, I think anyone who doesn't prefer scanning tech vs more humans doesn't really understand what they are talking about and is one of those people who blames tech for issues caused by the very humans they are choosing to use.
8:54 am
January 3, 2009

11:06 pm
November 18, 2017

phrank, I have lots of appreciation for scanning technology, particularly the robust bar codes (as opposed to the more complex QR variety). But the postal delivery staff also use bar codes, so I don't see that much difference between mail-route and notification error rates. Certainly not enough for us to keep arguing about it.
Please write your comments in the forum.