8:35 am
October 27, 2013

TommyT said
CRA would do anything to try to suck you into overcontributing. I put 6 grand in the TFSA at Questrade at the start of January 2022.
That is BS. CRA cannot post on MyAccount what they do not have. Financial institutions have, by law/regulation, until March of the following year to provide the CRA with TFSA contributions made the prior year. If anything, CRA is probably exasperated by this process since it is extra work for them to work with a taxpayer to sort out problems. It is always so easy to blame CRA when it has nothing to do with them at all.
10:23 am
March 30, 2017

AltaRed said
That is BS. CRA cannot post on MyAccount what they do not have. Financial institutions have, by law/regulation, until March of the following year to provide the CRA with TFSA contributions made the prior year. If anything, CRA is probably exasperated by this process since it is extra work for them to work with a taxpayer to sort out problems. It is always so easy to blame CRA when it has nothing to do with them at all.
Tommy has some very unique thought process, everything being a conspiracy theory being one, US dollar and stock market a scam the other.
Dont take it seriously.
12:09 pm
March 18, 2021

RetirEd said
TommyT: I cannot seriously imagine that the Canadian Revenue Agency would actively try to cause registered plan overcontributions. The extra work alone would make it pointless in virtually all cases.Has anyone else been given that impression? When I once wondered if I'd done a boo-boo (very small amount) I was told not to worry and just send a note explaining things. I did and never heard more about it.
They did in my case. I had to track down where $6,000 came from and it was Questrade. It just magically appeared about a week ago in my account. The TFSA amount went from $6,500 to $12,500. I have cashed in TFSA's and RRSP's at Questrade in the past but not in the 2022 taxation year.
12:14 pm
March 18, 2021

savemoresaveoften said
Tommy has some very unique thought process, everything being a conspiracy theory being one, US dollar and stock market a scam the other.
Dont take it seriously.
I'm a professional gambler by profession. I know from all other venues of gambling just how rigged and manipulated the U.S. stock market is. I've been an avid trader since the 1970's. It's been a three ring circus sideshow since 1994 now with worse fundamentals than Bitcoin.
12:27 pm
November 8, 2018

1:29 pm
October 27, 2013

1:58 pm
January 12, 2019

3:17 pm
October 21, 2013

3:46 pm
January 7, 2023

4:11 pm
October 27, 2013

11:20 am
November 3, 2022

11:52 am
October 27, 2013

12:17 pm
December 26, 2020

1:29 pm
September 24, 2019

AltaRed said
I just meant I downloaded them today. I don't know when SC posted them on their website (didn't try to figure that out).
I went to download my OAS on the CRA site but realized the amount on the slip was incorrect. It had last years (2021) amount and not 2022's. So will wait until the paper copy comes in the mail. The CPP slip was correct.
8:53 am
April 6, 2013

9:39 am
April 20, 2019

This may be a stupid question, I just downloaded my T5 from My CRA account from Motive. I would assume this means I dont need the copy I again ASSUME they will mail to me this spring? As I have yet to receive my T5 from Motive financial/Canada western bank. I suspect no one else here has either?
Simplii still mails their T5's right before personal taxes are due I believe from prior years. Has anyone received a T5 from simplii yet?
Happy long weekend everyone!
10:19 am
October 27, 2013

10:33 am
September 24, 2019

Alexandra said
I went to download my OAS on the CRA site but realized the amount on the slip was incorrect. It had last years (2021) amount and not 2022's. So will wait until the paper copy comes in the mail. The CPP slip was correct.
Went on to "My Account" with CRA today and guess what..........they now have the correct info for OAS. Weird. They did have it wrong the other day though as I double checked to make sure it was for year 2022 and the process date was in Jan of 2023.
2:53 pm
March 30, 2017

Alexandra said
Went on to "My Account" with CRA today and guess what..........they now have the correct info for OAS. Weird. They did have it wrong the other day though as I double checked to make sure it was for year 2022 and the process date was in Jan of 2023.
yeah when they update info on a slip thats was already sent to them earlier, sometimes they keep the original upload date on it sometimes and does not show its being amended. So its not 100% accurate to use the "date" they showed to see if a slip has been amended or not.
Please write your comments in the forum.