8:47 am
October 17, 2018

COIN said
Got the following reply from StudioTax this afternoon."Most likely it will work…Windows 7 is no longer supported by Microsoft. As a result it is supported by StudioTax as a best effort; that mean we will not do anything to prevent it but we may require a new library from Microsoft that result is forcing us to stop supporting it."
As long as you remain offline you are safe, that's the main reason for using it. If you are able to complete your return successfully it should be safe to connect briefly to Netfile.
10:22 am
December 26, 2020

11:06 am
March 30, 2017

8:14 am
March 30, 2017

7:38 am
March 30, 2017

COIN said
I assume you have experience with both Windows 7 and 10. Aside from the fact that Microsoft no longer supports 7, do you find 10 any better than 7?
I was on 10 and update to 11 when I got my new desktop last year.
11 is the best experience out of all the previous Windows I had. My experience dated back to the Windows95 and before.
10 and 11 will allow ur computer to boot up much faster, I am talking 10secs vs 1min plus 7&8.
To me 7&8 tried too hard to mimic a tablet with the tiles and fail badly at the end. 10&11 simplifies it and they learn from their mistakes.
For best security point of view, better use an OS that is still officially supported,
1:03 pm
October 27, 2013

8:32 am
November 15, 2018

11:28 am
March 30, 2017

AltaRed said
I am guessing you mean some of them, e.g. T5 as an example. There will be T3, etc. later on. I picked up some of iTrade T5, T5008 and T1135 today. BMO IL's schedule is just a bit later.
T3s are always close to end of Mar as trusts and funds are always "slow" to submit to the broker before they have enuf info to issue. Part of it could also be some ETFs have distribution payout in Jan but are counted as Dec transactions (XIU being an example)
T5s are usually avail during Feb and definitely before end of Feb.
1:13 pm
October 27, 2013

Plus there can be late revisions to T3s well into April. Every 3rd year or so, one of those late revisions tends to show up. Hence why I don't file until sometime between Apr 20-25 in most cases.
Each brokerage issues a tax slip schedule about Feb 1 each year providing a list of dates when the various tax slips will be available. It's the same process/procedure each year.
6:39 am
March 30, 2017

7:10 am
November 18, 2017

8:18 am
November 8, 2018

8:21 am
November 8, 2018

10:55 am
March 30, 2017

11:49 am
November 8, 2018

1:50 pm
March 18, 2021

COIN said
CRA is very slow in posting T5's. Also, beware of the TFSA room you see online. The CRA could revise and lower that room at anytime. Happened to me last year.
Questrade TFSA not showing up yet from January 2022. They have until March. Magically my amount went from showing $6,500 to $12,500 about a week ago. CRA would do anything to try to suck you into overcontributing. I put 6 grand in the TFSA at Questrade at the start of January 2022.
3:24 pm
October 21, 2013

6:19 am
November 18, 2017

TommyT: I cannot seriously imagine that the Canadian Revenue Agency would actively try to cause registered plan overcontributions. The extra work alone would make it pointless in virtually all cases.
Has anyone else been given that impression? When I once wondered if I'd done a boo-boo (very small amount) I was told not to worry and just send a note explaining things. I did and never heard more about it.
Please write your comments in the forum.