8:20 am
February 14, 2014

9:17 am
November 4, 2014

RicksBank, I just looked yesterday at their website and it was 1.90% so it is up 10 basis points to 2.00%.
Their 1-5 year TFSA and GIC rates are the same with their highest at 2.90% for 6 years and their 4 and 5 year rates at 2.65% and 2.80%.
It seems that 2.00% is the new benchmark many financial institutions are using for their high interest savings accounts which for them includes TFSA's.
9:40 am
November 4, 2014

There is Caisse Financial Group which is a Manitoba credit union that has a 1 year 2.00% redeemable term deposit/GIC anytime with not interest lost or any penalties.
The only benefit that I can see with this and 2.00% higher interest savings accounts is it is fixed for 1 year but you still have complete, full access to your money.
I don't know if they are available for everyone or just people in Manitoba. They also have 3.00%, 60 month GIC/RRSP/TFSA/RRIF rates for anyone looking for that kind of stuff, http://www.caisse.biz.
Please write your comments in the forum.