5:06 pm
February 14, 2014

11:20 pm
October 21, 2013

7:22 am
February 24, 2015

9:06 am
July 10, 2011

Got this this morning..
Good morning,
Hubert’s savings rate will be changing to 1.75% as of December 18, 2015.
The change will affect our High Interest Savings, TFSA, and RRSP accounts. If your funds are locked into one of our great term rates, like our Tickled Pink tax free terms, you can sit back and relax; your rates won’t be affected by this change!
If you have any questions please give us a call or send us an email. We can be reached by phone at 1-855-4HUBERT (1-855-448-2378) or by email at hubert@happysavings.ca. We're happy to help!
Thank you, and happy holidays!
10:17 am
February 14, 2014

11:15 am
December 23, 2011

12:31 pm
February 24, 2015

1:20 pm
December 23, 2011

2of3aintbad said
kanaka, that would be ideal but I think Oaken is the only one that warns ahead of time. I likely will be moving money there from Tangerine because of this feature.
For Hubert it would make sense to send a note out after closing hours and update their website after closing hours. I guess my point is why send a note when some of us already saw the change on their website? They could have accomplished more of a personal touch than putting the cart ahead of the horse.
And from what I see here is BNS has destroyed ING/TANG.
1:31 pm
October 21, 2013

I don't think BNS has destroyed Tang. My average rate at Tang over 2015 in savings has been north of 2.6, much better than Hubert.
What's with lowering the rate when there has been no lowering at BofC? FIs are always keen to blame BofC when the rate does down normally? I'm going to reduce my account at Hubert because this makes me nervous. There was no explanation in that email as to why they did this. As "members", I think we're entitled to a clear explanation when rates go down. I still like their 1yr GIC, but think it should be at a bit higher rate.
1:33 pm
February 24, 2015

1:35 pm
December 23, 2011

Loonie said
I don't think BNS has destroyed Tang. My average rate at Tang over 2015 in savings has been north of 2.6, much better than Hubert.
What's with lowering the rate when there has been no lowering at BofC? FIs are always keen to blame BofC when the rate does down normally? I'm going to reduce my account at Hubert because this makes me nervous. There was no explanation in that email as to why they did this. As "members", I think we're entitled to a clear explanation when rates go down. I still like their 1yr GIC, but think it should be at a bit higher rate.
Re Hubert and others....I always give my head a shake and ask why I do a 5 yr GIC at 2.5 vs the 1.8 savings account. Is the .7 spread worth locking in for 5 years? So now 1.75 looks better for the spread!
Ps. I remain....I won't deal with an offshoot (or a an institution powered by) of a big 5 like Tang or PC.
Please write your comments in the forum.