Rate Changes March 27, 2024 | Hubert Financial | Discussion forum

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Rate Changes March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
9:49 am
Forum Posts: 24
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November 22, 2023
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Rate updates, effective: March 27, 2024
High-interest Savings 3.60%
Variable Rate (TFSAs, RRSPs, and RRIFs) 3.65%
Registered and Non-Registered Terms
(TFSAs, RRSPs, and RRIFs)
One-Year Quarterly Term 5.20%
One-Year Non-Redeemable 5.25%*
Two-Year Term: 5.20%*
Three-Year Term: 4.75%*
Four-Year Term: 4.65%*
Five-Year Term: 4.55%*
*Asterisks indicate an updated rate.

March 27, 2024
10:30 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 2037
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January 12, 2019
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Meh ... no matter. sf-confused

Like many others, I'm on my way outa there.


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

March 27, 2024
2:16 pm
Forum Posts: 415
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July 10, 2011
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Dean said
Meh ... no matter. sf-confused

Like many others, I'm on my way outa there.



By when though? When do you think fees start? I am moving out slowly.


March 27, 2024
2:53 pm
Forum Posts: 161
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November 6, 2018
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

Dean said
Meh ... no matter. sf-confused

Like many others, I'm on my way outa there.



Have you found any financial institutions that come close to offering the online and self-serve options of the ‘old’ Hubert? Just wondering because almost all of our RSPs (soon to be RIFs) are currently with Hubert. Thanks.

March 27, 2024
7:25 pm
Forum Posts: 52
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March 14, 2024
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Yatti420 said

By when though? When do you think fees start? I am moving out slowly.


Fees?? Is that fact or fiction? There still is some competition that’s all free as well and with same or better rates.

March 28, 2024
7:29 am
Forum Posts: 51
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January 25, 2024
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MDJ said

Fees?? Is that fact or fiction? There still is some competition that’s all free as well and with same or better rates.  

Could you please provide a list of few instead of just saying 'there are few'...

But established, with internet banking, live support, ability o link external accounts, etc.

March 28, 2024
7:38 am
Forum Posts: 52
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March 14, 2024
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@CAD To whom are you directing your question to?

March 28, 2024
7:48 am
Forum Posts: 52
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March 14, 2024
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Have you found any financial institutions that come close to offering the online and self-serve options of the ‘old’ Hubert? Just wondering because almost all of our RSPs (soon to be RIFs) are currently with Hubert. Thanks.

The old Hubert was the best. And I doubt that Access will ever come near to duplicating it. The new Hubert doesn’t even let you know, in advance, of what your upcoming RIF payment will be. You can listen to all the BS that Access is shelling out BUT the system is incapable of coming close to the old Hubert and they know it. I imagine they are not appealing to new customers and are losing their long time loyal customers. I would be curios to know how much they have lost.

Once Oaken institutes RRIF savings accounts, each and every dollar that comes available to me, will move out of Hubert.

March 28, 2024
8:28 am
Forum Posts: 1520
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February 7, 2019
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MDJ said
@CAD To whom are you directing your question to?  

The question was directly to you ...

March 28, 2024
8:55 am
Forum Posts: 52
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March 14, 2024
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cgouimet said

The question was directly to you ...  

Hi. Firstly I said…… There still is some competition that’s all free as well and with same or better rates.…. I did not say a few.

While each FI will have their quirks and will not match the old Hubert, 2 alternatives are Peoples Group and Oaken. Once Oaken has RRIF savings (apparently start of summer) they will be as good as old
Hubert and all free including transfer outs. People’s Bank has non registered only and needs phone calls to set up interest payments and maturity instructions. Same for People’s Trust but they have TFSA but no RRIF. There still maybe more in Manitoba as well but have not kept up on what others are offering.

March 28, 2024
9:43 am
Valhalla Mountains, British Columbia
Forum Posts: 2037
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January 12, 2019
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BillieBob said

Have you found any financial institutions that come close to offering the online and self-serve options of the ‘old’ Hubert? Just wondering because almost all of our RSPs (soon to be RIFs) are currently with Hubert. Thanks.  

There are probably one or two others out there, but the First one that comes to mind for me is 'Oaken Financial'. Especially when they start to offer RIF savings accounts, sometime in the next few months.

R.I.P. 'Old' Hubert Financial. sf-cry

And *&^%$@# Access CU ❗ sf-yell


sf-cool " Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! " sf-cool

March 28, 2024
10:06 am
Forum Posts: 61
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October 13, 2023
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Dean said

R.I.P. 'Old' Hubert Financial.  

Pretty well impossible to rest in peace when the handful of folks are constantly harping on it. Reminds me of the wife "forgiving" me for washing some of her tops with my blue jeans (who knew) yet reminds me of that faux pas on a weekly basis for the past 40 years. sf-laugh

I guess some people are just not happy unless they are constantly unhappy. sf-cool

March 28, 2024
10:20 am
Forum Posts: 241
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January 13, 2022
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Case1030 said

Dean said

R.I.P. 'Old' Hubert Financial.  

Pretty well impossible to rest in peace when the handful of folks are constantly harping on it. Reminds me of the wife "forgiving" me for washing some of her tops with my blue jeans (who knew) yet reminds me of that faux pas on a weekly basis for the past 40 years. sf-laugh

I guess some people are just not happy unless they are constantly unhappy. sf-cool  

Exactly. BTW, I spent about three hours on the phone yesterday with Oaken trying to figure out how they somehow lost a simple transfer RSP savings to regular savings. The same type of thing that takes me about two minutes to figure out at Hubert, even today (although I never seem to have these issues at Hubert). And still loving that awesome 5.20% quarterly 1 year GIC...

March 28, 2024
11:20 am
Forum Posts: 50
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February 20, 2022
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Case1030 said

I guess some people are just not happy unless they are constantly unhappy. sf-cool  

Repetitively. Must have gotten their boots overfilled or something.

March 28, 2024
1:45 pm
Forum Posts: 316
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January 3, 2009
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Case1030 said

Dean said

R.I.P. 'Old' Hubert Financial.  

Pretty well impossible to rest in peace when the handful of folks are constantly harping on it. Reminds me of the wife "forgiving" me for washing some of her tops with my blue jeans (who knew) yet reminds me of that faux pas on a weekly basis for the past 40 years. sf-laugh

I guess some people are just not happy unless they are constantly unhappy. sf-cool  

Do you even recognize the stupidity of complaining about other people complaining? At least they have a reason to complain. They're not happy about the level of service they are receiving and other customers can find this helpful.

You just hypocritically complaining and attempting to control others is entirely pointless blather.

So fill yer boots, grab a snickers and chew it well sf-laugh

March 28, 2024
1:51 pm
Forum Posts: 1520
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February 7, 2019
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phrank said

Do you even recognize the stupidity of complaining about other people complaining? At least they have a reason to complain. They're not happy about the level of service they are receiving and other customers can find this helpful.

You just hypocritically complaining and attempting to control others is entirely pointless blather.

So fill yer boots, grab a snickers and chew it well sf-laugh  

I can smell the overflow from here and it ain't Snickers ...

March 28, 2024
1:54 pm
Forum Posts: 316
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January 3, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Dean said

There are probably one or two others out there, but the First one that comes to mind for me is 'Oaken Financial'. Especially when they start to offer RIF savings accounts, sometime in the next few months.

R.I.P. 'Old' Hubert Financial. sf-cry

And *&^%$@# Access CU ❗ sf-yell



Unfortunately it's not easy to get good service these days, more luck of getting a good person to help you than anything to do with the business culture anymore, but don't complain or the verbal diarrhea gang will start ranting about how you're just not happy and you have no right to talk about issues .

Those people should thank you for giving them something to do... or I guess more accurately their families probably appreciate you getting them off their backs. sf-yell

March 28, 2024
2:16 pm
Forum Posts: 61
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October 13, 2023
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

phrank said

Do you even recognize the stupidity of complaining about other people complaining?   

You've confused sf-yell with sf-laugh. I find youse guys highly amusing in a Jethro Bodine kinda way.

And I *do* thank y'all for this inexpensive entertainment. May it continue on well into the future. sf-wink

March 28, 2024
5:51 pm
Forum Posts: 161
Member Since:
November 6, 2018
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

MDJ said

Have you found any financial institutions that come close to offering the online and self-serve options of the ‘old’ Hubert? Just wondering because almost all of our RSPs (soon to be RIFs) are currently with Hubert. Thanks.

The old Hubert was the best. And I doubt that Access will ever come near to duplicating it. The new Hubert doesn’t even let you know, in advance, of what your upcoming RIF payment will be. You can listen to all the BS that Access is shelling out BUT the system is incapable of coming close to the old Hubert and they know it. I imagine they are not appealing to new customers and are losing their long time loyal customers. I would be curios to know how much they have lost.

Once Oaken institutes RRIF savings accounts, each and every dollar that comes available to me, will move out of Hubert.  

Aren’t minimum RIF withdrawals/payments based on a specific percentage relating to the age of the RIF holder? Wouldn’t the holder be able to calculate the amount themselves?

March 28, 2024
7:04 pm
Forum Posts: 52
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March 14, 2024
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

BillieBob said
Aren’t minimum RIF withdrawals/payments based on a specific percentage relating to the age of the RIF holder? Wouldn’t the holder be able to calculate the amount themselves?  

You can find charts that advise the % that you will receive based on your total value of your RRIF as of previous year end December 31. The charts are on numerous financial web sites. Hubert used to provide a RRIF statement in January that included your exact date and amount that you will receive. You can set up any date you like. They no longer provide that statement. I called about it and was advised to check the CRA site to obtain my %. <= ridiculous response. I tried to figure out my year end value, which I am sure they have. It’s too time consuming to figure out your year end value. But no help from them! The amount I roughly figured out and the amount paid out was different.

If I look at my Oaken account I can already see my 2025 payment.

Hubert is, now, so Hokey Pokey.

I need to know the EXACT amounts. My financial plans don’t revolve around what crap Hubert expects me to accept. I have commitments to make with the mandatory amounts and need to arrange excess RRIF withdrawals as well.

I suspect that most FIs have and report the RRIF payment beforehand and perhaps is mandatory? So this means that ALL Access customers are not advised?

Often no matter who you call about RRIFs .. expect an irresponsible answer from an incompetent employee. The odd time you will talk to someone that is knowledgeable. In the “good” old version of Hubert if who you were talking to someone that didn’t know, they would transfer to someone who did. That is called customer satisfaction. But today they have call takers that pass the situation to the back office and you never hear back from them.

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