9:39 am
November 18, 2016
10:01 am
February 7, 2019
AdrenalineTrade said
I am quite interested in buying a GIC at Hubert. I live in BC. It is my understanding that even if I put more than 100K into a GIC, it is fully covered by the Province of Manitoba, regardless of amount. Am I correct?
Go the Hubert website https://www.happysavings.ca and scroll down to the meet Hubert links and check it out for yourself ...
We have an article that talks about the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba: https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/2020/06/canadian-deposit-insurance-cdic-vs-cipf-vs-provincial-coverage-should-you-care/
It is technically not a guarantee from the province itself, but depending on the individual, the nuance may or may not be that important.
10:26 am
January 12, 2019
When in doubt, go to the source . . .
- 'Deposit Guarantee Corporation Of Manitoba' ➡ https://dgcm.ca/
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:33 am
December 20, 2016
AdrenalineTrade said
I am quite interested in buying a GIC at Hubert. I live in BC. It is my understanding that even if I put more than 100K into a GIC, it is fully covered by the Province of Manitoba, regardless of amount. Am I correct?
It is not CDIC coverage for Hubert Financial in Manitoba. Details of what institutions are covered by CDIC HERE
With Hubert, every penny of your deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba. That means, as a member you can rest easy knowing your money is safe and secure.
The best news is even if you’re not a resident of Manitoba, DGCM will still cover your deposits with Hubert Financial. Now that you know your money is safe, it’s time to open an account.
What’s covered:
All deposits including accrued interest to the payout date
Deposits foreign currency
Deposits in termsWhat’s not covered:
Non-deposit instruments, such as member share capital
For more information, check out the Deposit Guarantee Corporation of Manitoba’s website.
Please write your comments in the forum.