8:02 pm
January 7, 2023

8:15 pm
December 18, 2024

Warwick111 said
Yes, I believed so.
Hi. Called CRA today. They say since they still show, both the amounts $1201.59 x 2 are taxable. And I need to have the individual slip disappear by cancelling it. Now to figure out how to do that.
There must some rules, codes or fields that can be changed or altered for an amended to be a replacement and disappear based on the process being done properly???
Thank you.
8:49 pm
January 7, 2023

GIC-Fanatic said
Hi. Called CRA today. They say since they still show, both the amounts $1201.59 x 2 are taxable. And I need to have the individual slip disappear by cancelling it. Now to figure out how to do that.
There must some rules, codes or fields that can be changed or altered for an amended to be a replacement and disappear based on the process being done properly???
Thank you.
Below is the documentation from CRA, which contains instructions for T5 issuers:
"Amending T5 slips
After filing your information return, you may notice an error on the T5 slips. If so, you will have to prepare amended slips to correct the information. Give the recipient two copies of the slips. Do not include slips that have no changes."
There is no mention of a Cancel slip is required when an Amend slip is created.
You may need to call Hubert for a cancel individual slip.
9:12 pm
April 6, 2013

Completing the T5 slip says that Box 21 (Report code) is that field:
Box 21 – Report code
Enter on each slip one of the following codes to indicate whether the slip is:
- "O" original
- "A" amended (changing the financial data or identification information)
- "C" cancelled
7:22 am
December 27, 2021

The key to all this GIC resolution is Hubert and the CRA.
I'm still waiting for Hubert to resolve the issue with the CRA and have been since May, 2023.
No amount of revised paper slips in the hands of the taxpayer can fix this.
Eric a CSR @ Hubert told me on Dec 19, 2024 that Hubert had spoken with the CRA Business Employment division and that they would be processing the amendment for me in the next day or two. I was advised by another CSR @ Hubert yesterday that the CRA "had stopped allowing new T5 submissions for processing until Jan 14, 2025".
I'm now awaiting Hubert advising the T5 has been updated at CRA, so I can re-file my 2023 taxes as CRA denied my T5 update. My amended T5 is ~7% lower than the one on file with CRA.
The whole thing is ridiculous and wholly unprofessional for a bank.
8:43 pm
April 6, 2013

If CRA re-asseses my 2023 return that was prepared with the amended T5 slip after having another look and rejecting the amended slip, then I would open a formal dispute to the re-assessment, online or using form T400A, and let the Appeals Division sort the situation out.
I have the incorrect original T5 slip issued, the correct amended T5 slip issued, and the explaining letter from Access CU. Access CU has disavowed the original T5 slip.
So, there's no basis for CRA to maintain a position that I was paid more interest than I was actually paid.
9:00 am
December 18, 2024

Let’s say I have:
An original T5 for $1200 individual - my name only
And a amended T5 for $1200 joint - both names
I have called CRA 3 times (different people) and they say I have to pay taxes on the earned income of $2400 - both of T5’s.
I just wonder if access did not amend properly?
They do seem to be pretty incompetent on the whole issue.
10:24 am
December 27, 2021

I received my amended copy in the mail in April 2023. Hubert has not yet updated that through the CRA. The CRA has no use for the paper copy which I sent as online correspondence.
The ball is in Hubert Financials court, even though the T5 slip indicates Access Credit Union
I did many calls to CRA - the conclusion is the financial institution must provide them electronic data which they then import into the tax sytem software. The taxpayer has no means to make this change.
I was told in December this would be done late December 2024 by a CSR named Eric @ Hubert. Another CSR named Makayla is also aware of the issue. Yesterday I was told that CRA “Wasn’t permitting processing of new forms until January 14th”. I’m awaiting word when this has been done but based on the past, I’m not holding my breath.
In the interim whatever T5’s were filed by Hubert/Access Credit Union are what drives CRA. Having said that when I re-filed for 2023 with the lowered T5 interest value, while it was declined they didn’t advise me I now needed to report the incorrect T5 and amended T5 together.
I recommend calling Eric at Hubert. Hopefully the more calls they get the more apt they’ll be to resolve this. It has been 10 months after all!!!
I’ll report back if I get word on resolution and/or see the update on MYCRA account
10:53 am
April 6, 2013

GIC-Fanatic said
Let’s say I have:
An original T5 for $1200 individual - my name only
And a amended T5 for $1200 joint - both namesI have called CRA 3 times (different people) and they say I have to pay taxes on the earned income of $2400 - both of T5’s.
That's definitely wrong. If I receive a T5 original "O" slip for $1,200 followed by a T5 "A" slip for $1,100 that ameds the "O" slip, then I report $1,100. I do not report $1,200 + $1,100 = $2,300 because the second slip isn't a second "O" slip.
Does Box 21 of your second T5 slip have "O" or "A"?
I just wonder if access did not amend properly?
They do seem to be pretty incompetent on the whole issue.
Access CU could have messed up. The amended T5 "A" slip I received has differences other than in Box 13 (Interest from Canadian sources) and Box 21 (Report code). But, that doesn't not change the fact that the subseqent slip is an "A" slip and not an "O" slip.
9:21 pm
December 18, 2024

4:41 pm
December 18, 2024

Hi, just building my case.
I had 2 slips. 1 individual and 1 Joint.
I claimed in my taxes that way.
Looks like every CU under the new flag of Access was affected.
Then the letter saying the would "amend" the 2 amounts to 1 T5 and be joint.
The letter also far passes the deadline of end of February. Was dated April 9 and the slip was received a few days later. The letter tells you to use the new slip on your tax filing. 5 weeks later?? WHY WOULD THEY NOT HAVE EMAILED US??? The letter refers to unforeseen circumstances <== ha ha. And also says all internal processes have been adjusted and revised to ensure data integrity on future T5 issuances. The letter also says to reach out to your home branch for support. <== ha ha again....what support...was like pulling hens teeth.
If you look at your new T slip if, joint, it will have box 21 "A", Box 23 "2" and has in big letters the word AMENDMENT.
If you look on your CRA "all slips" online, it will say that the new slip is "original" in two different places!!! Thus leaving your originals still alive!!!
8:46 am
December 27, 2021

After 332 days I've FINALLY had my erroneous T5 corrected at CRA! I would never have thought a bank could be so incompetent.
It has been a PAINFUL process wherein ACU/Hubert had me trying to fix their issue with the CRA until CRA told me it was up to ACU.
It has ended when I finally asked to speak to someone other than the friendly CSR's who answer support calls. They were trying to help but ultimately had no luck.
If you have an issue from an incorrect T5 submitted to CRA in 2024 for 2023 tax year I suggest you contact:
Brittany Tataryn
Supervisor, Virtual Banking
Access Credit Union
10:02 am
January 3, 2009

MAC99 said
After 332 days I've FINALLY had my erroneous T5 corrected at CRA! I would never have thought a bank could be so incompetent.It has been a PAINFUL process wherein ACU/Hubert had me trying to fix their issue with the CRA until CRA told me it was up to ACU.
It has ended when I finally asked to speak to someone other than the friendly CSR's who answer support calls. They were trying to help but ultimately had no luck.
If you have an issue from an incorrect T5 submitted to CRA in 2024 for 2023 tax year I suggest you contact:
Brittany Tataryn
Supervisor, Virtual Banking
Access Credit Union
That's great that you took the time to post this helpful information. Too many people complain and do nothing or don't take the time to share how others can save some time when they're in the similar situation.
10:03 am
December 18, 2024

Unfortunately that’s the way is. CRA trusts the FI more than the taxpayer. Foolish errors made by Hubert/Access, then chase Hubert time after time, see the fix, then document back to CRA. CRA advised once submitted expect at least a 70 before it’s processed (sitting in a stack on some one’s desk). Looks like a hopeful fix in 2 months. Over a year eh, Hubert! I wonder if CRA admonishes the FI?
I still think someone at Hubert would have been assigned as a “specialist” and would have handled these issues directly with the customer instead of using a go between CSR (which was sometimes opinionated, resistant and not that into helping). And has Hubert apologized to us? Have they admitted their errors? I still wonder how many customers have had their errors slip by the scrutiny of CRA.
Please write your comments in the forum.