10:09 am
October 12, 2022
11:03 am
March 30, 2017
11:19 am
April 6, 2013
Don't assume that five-year residential mortgages are the only loans the bank or credit union is using the five-year GIC money out for.
canadian.100 shared what Scotiabank does with some of its five-year GIC funds.
The negative spread indicates that DUCA is likely not keeping the five-year residential mortgages it originates. Instead, DUCA is likely flipping the residential mortgages to a buyer, like Concentra Bank or a mortgage fund. Afterwards, DUCA would collect a fee to service the mortgages for the investor buyers.
12:23 pm
May 20, 2016
Interesting, 5 year GIC @4.5% on its website. https://www.duca.com/rates
12:46 pm
April 6, 2013
5:53 pm
March 4, 2019
8:29 pm
April 6, 2013
The 5½% DUCA 5-year GIC through Fiscal Agents is not cashable. The 4½% 5-year GIC in DUCA's rate page, via DUCA's branches, is not cashable either.
That 4½% DUCA Flex80 GIC is cashable after 12 months. But, there is a penalty for cashing early, before its maturity in 80 months: The rate is reduced to 3½%.
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