5:20 pm
August 16, 2022

9:45 am
January 12, 2019

. . . BoCs latest rate hike = +0.50%
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
10:14 am
August 16, 2022

10:49 am
September 30, 2017

12:43 pm
March 30, 2017

hwyc said
… but the GIC rates at Peoples are inverted. Better bite soon if I can
Think close to or after the next hike, we will see 1y and 2y term flat or 1y just a little bit higher, and the curve completely inverted.
FI has absolutley zero reason to pay up for 5 year money (whether BoC manage to wrestle inflation or not). If banks do pay up for 5y money, it will be due to a nunforeseen scenario that not even the smartest minds are aware of right now.
So GIC will be either
inverted: Cuz BoC continues to pump overnite higher
positive slope: Cuz BoC done hiking due to recession and next move will be rate cut
Either scenario 5y is glued or move lower if recession takes over.
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