11:53 am
September 7, 2018

1:21 pm
April 11, 2020

1:32 pm
March 30, 2017

2:22 pm
October 27, 2013

3:07 pm
August 16, 2022

4:23 pm
March 30, 2017

AltaRed said
Not unless people are willing to sign up/renew @6.5% or more for 1 year term mortgages. The headwinds to such increases are on the lending side.
FI wants a min 150bp spread to do the new mortgages. With housing slow down and a rising rate environment, new mortgagers either put their their purchase on hold, or they will lock into 5y fixed. There is simply not enuf funding demand for a FI to offer 1y GIC at 5% or more anytime soon. FI will just keep raising their HISA rate and close the gap btw that and the 1y fixed rate.
@moneyman: even if BoC raises 100, that puts O/N at 3.5%. Why would an FI feel the need to raise 1y money at 5%…
6:34 pm
November 18, 2017

9:41 am
April 18, 2022

Slowdown you mean like people will actually have to save more and work for a home than the 80/20 or 90/10 scam and borrow at a rate they'll have to work harder. You mean like the way it use to be when Canada was great. Yes not enough funding demand from real estate speculators and launderers.
How much does a FI earn for writing up a loan then sending it off to taxpayers?
11:13 am
May 2, 2018

AllanB said
Government continues massive printing and borrowing both QE
This scam is one reason why I recently laddered all the way up to 10 years at EQ and Motive. I have no confidence that the responsible steps will be taken by governments and central banks. How long till they declare another 'unforeseen' emergency and force interest rates to zero or worse and start printing even more? GIC rates seem to be unusually high relative to the GOC rate. I have more GICs to buy in November, I have no idea if rates will be higher or lower.
5:42 pm
April 11, 2020

7:07 pm
May 2, 2018

AllanB said
Are you insane
Uh this is the GIC forum on highinterestsavings.ca Allan. It's not that radical of an investment strategy. I've happily bought into stocks paying 5% dividends in the past, not knowing if the stock would go up or down. I made money sometimes. Why wouldn't I lock these banks into an obligation to pay me 5% (EQ) and 5.15% (Motive) compounded for ten whole years? It must've been a good deal because they've both lowered their rates since then haha.
7:09 pm
April 14, 2021

8:10 pm
May 2, 2018

HermanH said
if they had held their 5.15% for 10-yr. However, now that they have dropped to 5%
Actually Motive only dropped their long term rates to 5.10%. EQ dropped the 10 year from 5.00% to 4.70% though.
By the way, the Motive website says you have to be over 57 years old to have the interest paid annually, but that's not true. I ended up going compounded, but I was repeatedly assured by the office that I could get annual interest if I wanted to.
8:36 pm
April 14, 2021

You are correct; it only dropped to 5.10%
One of the things I had to consider strongly was that there was going to be a considerable amount of interest earned. In order for CDIC to completely cover both the principal and interest, I could only invest a maximum of about $60K, if I wanted to stay under the $100K CDIC coverage.
CWB is a good company, but 10 yrs is a looong time.
8:58 pm
April 27, 2017

AllanB said
Government continues massive printing and borrowing both QEGov BoC continue to borrow n print indiscriminately to drive inflation and put a floor under it sweeping stimulus under the rug.
Condo launderers throwing homeless onto street
Government certainly continues borrowing but money supply (M0) has been going down quite fast. So, “the government” has not been “printing” but withdrawing cash, which is the opposite of QE.
Condo laundry machines do break down but didn’t think it was that bad.
“Hold the line” on GICs? Reminds me of diamond hands from Wallstreetbets.
9:12 pm
April 6, 2013

highlyinterested said
By the way, the Motive website says you have to be over 57 years old to have the interest paid annually, but that's not true. I ended up going compounded, but I was repeatedly assured by the office that I could get annual interest if I wanted to.
The age 57 requirement is actually for monthly interest from non-registered GIC's:
2The holder has the option to receive interest paid annually into a Motive Savings Account or to have the interest compounded annually and paid at maturity. On Motive GICs with a term of at least 12 months, customers over the age of 57 also have the option of having interest paid monthly into a Motive Savings account.
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