9:26 pm
August 9, 2014

This is a response to a member that insist he know better:
Have anyone of you ever consider who is the one that make every contract valid, make housing market feasible, and make stocks turn into a portion of the company rather than just a piece of scrape paper?
Without it, nobody will follow any rules and orders that was set as aside because no organization will force you to execute them. In this sense, the government is what prop up the entire Capitalism system by supporting private property.
In addition,
Have anyone of you complain that you suffer from a decision that are make by 2 bodys that are not related to you ? (ie: pollution)
This is something in economic system that are call externality, assume market will work without government, we will will end up facing an apocalyptic situation where everyone need to dress like astronauts and saving money to move to Mars. It is the GOD DAMN GOVERNMENT, that keep those things a bay! (to a certain extend...) I have no idea why gutting a government will a good idea, as some of you hinted!
2:05 am
August 5, 2014

Jon, you are so clueless worse than Loonie because if government is such a good mechanism for our economy, society, life etc. then why even have a semi capitalist system.
Let us try the U.S.S.R, Cuba, Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Vietnam etc. etc. etc. economic model and society, way of life.
It is because government can only exist in a society with economic and personal freedoms. The more they take away from our freedom then we are going to be worse off.
Don't worry Jon, the way things are going, government can't save us. If you think that government is going to solve everything then wait a few more years.
As socialism keeps growing, we are all finished. It is a waste of time even explaining this to you or anyone else because your professors and the whole education system is full of this garbage.
2:14 am
August 5, 2014

Your so beloved government invented taxes too that takes most of all our private property. They invented social programs that is a morally bankrupt policy and idea.
Your so beloved government helps create inflation, debt, controls our lives getting to a point that pretty soon is going tell us when we have to use electricity, gas, heat, how much of it, what temperature we will have to keep our furnace at.
They are going to tell you what type of car you will have to drive and probably will not be able to afford one pushing down car sharing programs down out throat.
Jon, you have no idea what is coming and when it comes and you can't even sneeze without them tracking your every move. Don't complain, do what they say and be quiet. Slavery is inching slowly but surely for all of us.
7:30 am
September 17, 2014

Of course without government there would be chaos. Or perhaps you would prefer fifedoms and warlords running the show
Good government provides a balance. Perhaps some agree with the balance, but I've never met anyone who is completely happy with the government in place. It's each individuals personal point of view or perpsective which may change over time.
How dare "they" dictate that I need to buy and operate a car with emission controls, or that I need to use a seatbelt. Both of these are of course for our benefit.
And yes governments regulate that's why the people put them there. Maybe the people were duped and now oppressed, maybe not. Maybe business interests have too much power maybe a socialist government controls it all and suppresses the people monitoring their every move.
With that I end with Weird Al - Tinfoil
1:08 pm
August 9, 2014

SlowPoke said
Good government provides a balance.
Exactly, in fact, that is the case most of the time in everything. Admittedly, there are things that are absolutely wrong, but 99% of things are not, they just need the "right amount". Just as what Aristotle suggested thousands of years ago! Something that Jack seems to have difficulty to understand.
Tax, even in the view of conservative, is a necessary evil because it is better to tax us to maintain a law and justice system in order to protect our property than the alternative. "fifedoms and warlords running the show"
The reason why there are a perception that politician, or government, or something above the government are "controlling" us is because we have created something call "professional politician" that only see public office as a job compare with what we did in the past of electing an retired wealthy person that is on a mission to improve the nation.
Please write your comments in the forum.