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Why do Canadians use so much oil?
January 31, 2018
5:35 pm
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Forum Posts: 1363
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Canada is the 3rd largest consumer of oil per person among the world’s most economically advanced countries. This is primarily due to the transportation sector, which accounts for 60% of Canadian oil demand. The relatively sparse population, number of vehicles on the road, and the long distances people and goods must be transported to cross the country may explain Canada’s relatively high transportation fuel consumption per capita.

The industrial sector accounts for nearly 30% of Canada’s oil demand. Canada has relatively large mining, oil and gas extraction,and manufacturing sectors, which tend to be oil-intensive. Lastly, the commercial and agricultural sectors combined make up 9% of oil demand while the residential sector is 2%. These sectors use oil-based fuels for heating and electricity, with increased demand during the relatively cold, dark Canadian winters. All of these factors paired with a relatively small population contribute to Canada’s high oil use per person.


February 1, 2018
6:04 pm
Forum Posts: 215
Member Since:
February 18, 2016
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What is the point of this post?
Even to do basic grocery shopping you have to take a car; public transportation is miserable; people are lazy and getting morbidly obese due to lack of leg usage; what else do you need...

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