12:54 am
I need help about which institution should i go to apply for line of credit. I have a major purchase coming probably next 3 months and wondering which place should i go to borrow, id thought that i need to be careful about this as it will affects my financial situation.... any help will greatly appreciated...thanks
2:59 pm
Depends on whether the loan you want is secured/unsecured, and on your personal credit-worthiness. If you have equity in your home and don't mind doing a second/third mortgage, you can probably get some pretty good rates from the online banks that provide mortgage services (e.g. ING, Ally). If you have no security to offer and your credit is good, you'll probably pay anywhere from 3-5 points above what you'd pay on a secured credit line. Just call around and ask for rates for the amount/term you want, then call again and see who is most willing to negotiate.
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