1:36 pm
March 30, 2017

Alexandre said
savemoresaveoften said
phishing email, even clicking on the link is fine as long as u dont actually select the FI and then proceed with putting in ur acct login info.
It is not fine. Clicking on the link from phishing email may end with spyware or virus installed on your computer. Google "drive-by downloads" for more info.
thats true drive-by-downloads can happen, but most basic windows built in protection will block those, assume one does update the virus definition and whats not on a regular basis.
Most are phishing that tricks unexpected users to input their info 'willingly' into a fake setup.
2:17 pm
October 27, 2013

Gmail, or Google Mail if one wishes to call it that, automatically scans for malware in attachments so there is minimal risk as long as one does not click in phishing links within email. I presume other major email providers (servers) such as Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo do similarly.
Add to that Windows Defender or Avira for Android or whatever Apple products use and one is rather protected from nasties in attachments, including executables. There is nothing one can do to stop folks clicking on phishing links if they don't have the discipline to do it themselves.
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