12:47 pm
December 21, 2018

1:16 pm
December 12, 2009

mapleleafman said
Curious on future prospects of CAD value. Im an American paid in CAD who converts to USD. CAD has dropped like a rock and im considering sitting on my CAD until the exchange is better.Do you think CAD will increase in value later in 2020? Why or why not?
Short answer: no. I expect CAD to decline further to the $0.60 USD range. It may appreciate modestly, from $0.60-0.65 USD, up to around the current level to possibly $0.75.
It would take an LNG terminal on the east coast and the west coast coming online, TransMountain and Keystone XL being completed and fully contracted, WTI going back to $50 USD (or higher), and substantially increased foreign investment dollars (i.e., foreign takeovers of Canadian companies) to boost the CAD back above $0.80, in my view.
8:13 pm
October 27, 2013

I dont think so The lowest CAD got was about 63 cents during our debt crisis in the mid-90s.
We are still a petro-dollar to some degree and it will stay low until the Saudis and Russians stop quarreling and we get back to $50 oil. Then I see a recovery to maybe 75 cents. I wouldn't count on it getting much above that.
8:28 pm
December 21, 2018

AltaRed said
I dont think so The lowest CAD got was about 63 cents during our debt crisis in the mid-90s.We are still a petro-dollar to some degree and it will stay low until the Saudis and Russians stop quarreling and we get back to $50 oil. Then I see a recovery to maybe 75 cents. I wouldn't count on it getting much above that.
I live in the states but kept 95% of my money in CAD. Im kinda stuck and dont want to convert anything until the price goes back up to around 75 cents. Ohhh I yearn for the days that it was on par!
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