11:35 am
April 6, 2013

Walmart Canada and Visa Canada are in disagreement over fees:
CBC: Walmart Canada to stop accepting Visa cards due to 'unacceptably high' fees
Walmart Canada will start phasing out Visa credit card acceptance starting July 18 with their Thunder Bay stores.
2:58 pm
October 21, 2013

I must say, I am baffled as to why people shop at WalMart. I do price comparisons every week for groceries so that I can price match at the stores which allow it. It is rare for WalMart to offer anything in its flyer that is worth price-matching elsewhere, - at least for items on my shopping list.
I find it to be an expensive store, with questionable quality. The salads seem to wilt faster, and other issues.
So, here's another reason not to shop there.
That said, MC does seem to be gaining the upper hand. I prefer Visa because their system doesn't seem to fail me as frequently as MC, but I carry both because MC is more competitive.
8:18 am
November 19, 2014

Loonie said
Interesting. I must say, I am baffled as to why people shop at WalMart.
Because it is on my way home and allows one to do a couple things at once, not just groceries. I don't have a problem with the place but do understand there is some snobbery out there against it and/or misplaced anti-Americanism or anti-big-box-storeism.
Loonie said I do price comparisons every week for groceries so that I can price match at the stores which allow it. It is rare for WalMart to offer anything in its flyer that is worth price-matching elsewhere, - at least for items on my shopping list.
I find it to be an expensive store, with questionable quality. The salads seem to wilt faster, and other issues.
I always say to my wife, be careful at Walmart. If you don't know what you're doing (ie: what a price should be) they'll screw you over really fast/bad. Mind you, at least they are better than Loblaws/Fortinos and Sobeys, which are my other choices on the drive home. They'll screw you real bad on everything... lol
I concur on the produce at Walmart. Acceptable to substandard generally. The meat and dairy sections are pretty good though. Somehow they seem to have a deal with Maple Leaf that allows for prices I rarely see elsewhere and Maple Leaf is sold at almost all the full service grocery stores.
Loonie said That said, MC does seem to be gaining the upper hand. I prefer Visa because their system doesn't seem to fail me as frequently as MC, but I carry both because MC is more competitive.
I prefer using Visa at Walmart since we get 4% cashback... The proliferation of cashback cards may be contributing to their decision of course but there are probably bigger issues at play.
8:53 am
October 21, 2013

I was too lazy to look up who issues WalMart's credit card, but would have guessed it was MC. I'm sure Rick is correct that there is a connection there to the current decision.
Fortunately, WM is not on my way to anything and I can get what I want elsewhere more easily and at acceptable prices, especially considering that, for reasons that are also beyond me, the WalMart parking lot in my zone is usually full of some of the most inconsiderate drivers on the road. I've seen more than one accident take place in that parking lot, although the lot itself is well designed. I actually hate the parking lot more than the store, but the same people then go into the store and drive their carts with the same lack of courtesy.
The Costco parking lot is a nightmare too, and my local one is poorly designed, but the drivers aren't quite as bad, and I shop there regularly. The shoppers seem somewhat less threatening.
And that too, oddly enough, is a big box US store.
Getting rid of competition generally bad for consumers in the long run.
10:03 am
December 23, 2011

Headlines say:
TORONTO – Walmart says it intends to join the list of retailers in Canada that don’t accept Visa cards, citing high fees for transactions. It’s a move a retail analyst has said will cause “pain on all sides.”
What list? Although I do not have a Visa card, my wife does and is not her primary card to use so we pay our bridge tolls with it. So are we going to see Visa to be like Amex? Impossible to use as a primary card every where and anywhere? We do plan to use it for Costco USA.
We try to NOT shop at Walmart Canada but we did the other day as it is housed in our old Zellers, then Target and I had to do some banking in the same mall. We do use Walmart USA as prices are much lower but only buy pop there and they do have a great selection of USA and imported beers and wine.
I purchased some Tiger Balm. Only one tin of the shelf. Ring a bell???? Just what Target did......minimal inventory.......unsure market? And for $12 and change it was only 14 cents less than at another major retailer. Do I trust their pricing.....NO. Another American retailer in Canada that figures out the Canadian price gouging game and follows suit!!
They squeeze their sources, they pay staff as low as possible and they squeeze cities for lower property taxes. So just as tax payers we already lose because they have a subsidy that is costing the little guy. Who has the major gain/greed???? Walmart costs with out even shopping there.
I recommend.
D O N ' T S H O P A T W A L M A R T ! !
So like Costco Canada that expects us to change credit cards when they cannot come to an agreement will you change for them to MasterCard from Amex to Visa or what ever is next? Or will you say to heck with that, if you have their accepted credit card in your pocket you will shop there? What a horrible way to shop!!!! Walmart is just following Costco's methods. Costco, Walmart, MasterCard, and Amex give your heads a shake.......you may make "CASH" become in fashion once again.
10:19 am
December 23, 2011

kanaka said
Headlines say:
TORONTO – Walmart says it intends to join the list of retailers in Canada that don’t accept Visa cards, citing high fees for transactions. It’s a move a retail analyst has said will cause “pain on all sides.”First.
What list? Although I do not have a Visa card, my wife does and is not her primary card to use so we pay our bridge tolls with it. So are we going to see Visa to be like Amex? Impossible to use as a primary card every where and anywhere? We do plan to use it for Costco USA.Second.
We try to NOT shop at Walmart Canada but we did the other day as it is housed in our old Zellers, then Target and I had to do some banking in the same mall. We do use Walmart USA as prices are much lower but only buy pop there and they do have a great selection of USA and imported beers and wine.Third.
I purchased some Tiger Balm. Only one tin of the shelf. Ring a bell???? Just what Target did......minimal inventory.......unsure market? And for $12 and change it was only 14 cents less than at another major retailer. Do I trust their pricing.....NO. Another American retailer in Canada that figures out the Canadian price gouging game and follows suit!!Fourth.
They squeeze their sources, they pay staff as low as possible and they squeeze cities for lower property taxes. So just as tax payers we already lose because they have a subsidy that is costing the little guy. Who has the major gain/greed???? Walmart costs with out even shopping there.I recommend.
So like Costco Canada that expects us to change credit cards when they cannot come to an agreement will you change for them to MasterCard from Amex to Visa or what ever is next? Or will you say to heck with that, if you have their accepted credit card in your pocket you will shop there? What a horrible way to shop!!!! Walmart is just following Costco's methods. Costco, Walmart, MasterCard, and Amex give your heads a shake.......you may make "CASH" become in fashion once again.
4:46 pm
October 21, 2013

1. In the article, the "list" they cite is Costco Canada and No Frills. So, I guess they figure the list is "growing" with the addition of WM. (I don't know if No Frills exists al across the country. It is a discount grocery store chain owned by Loblaw, and its prices are indeed better than WM, as are Costco's most of the time.)
2. I too don't find any reason to shop there.
3. re: Tiger Balm. I am not positive about this particular product, but in general for any kind of medicinals of Chinese origin or the kinds of supplements one gets at health food stores, I strongly suggest heading to a Chinese mall, of which there should be lots not too far from kanaka. The price differences are a real eye opener. Also, check out their cough medicine - best thing going, comes in a bottle inside a box, usually with red and gold colours.
ALSO, come to think of it, the Chinese grocery stores are normally much better prices than the chains for produce. As an example, small red grapes this week were $1.58 lb yesterday at grocery store in Chinatown on Gerrard St. here in TO - 30 cents cheaper than the best sale price in flyers for several weeks. I bought some. The quality is good, no problems. I will say, the quality is not ALWAYS the highest, so look before you buy but at least you're not paying top dollar like at WM. There is a small family-owned Chinese store near me that was selling bananas for 38 cents/lb the other day. They're definitely "ready to eat", just like they get after sitting on my dining room table for a few days at 59 cents/lb.!
You can often get similar prices at East Indian stores, and I am not East Indian either. These stores spend little or nothing on advertising, do not have highly paid executives, don't have big legal fees, and aren't listed on the stock market. I prefer to support the little guy when it's reasonable to do so. I don't belong to any of these ethnic groups, for the record.
4 I knew they were not great with their employees or suppliers, but did not know about the property taxes. This sort of arm twisting sounds the same as what they are doing with Visa. It's not what we need to make our country strong.
6:51 am
December 23, 2011

Walmart follows Costco to bully their credit card vendors.
Have we been sucked in to the credit card marketing schemes so they can have more market share. Some have:
Cash back
Annual fee card
And the likes
The retailer probably has added the credit card fee to the retail price to cover the varying fees.....but how much is too much? The funny thing is, how stupid are we the customer, demanding more frills for the credit card, knowing we are paying for it in the retail price?
Why not just go back to a plain Jane no frills credit card like it was when it all started in the 70's, excluding Amex.
If we could honestly trust the retailers prices; go back to a two tier pricing. Prices as posted for cash and PLUS a variable % for the card type you are using. If we really knew how much those frills cost US then perhaps we would not be so influenced by the credit card companies marketing schemes. And then on the other hand why should you or I be paying more for a product to pay out someone else's cash back?
I close in saying Walmart and Costco are greedy bullies but on the other hand they are making a statement. Are we all going to be pawns and follow their shopping requirements.....or should we complacent Canadians revolt a little?
Ps. I think there is a silent revolt at Costco as they are still pushing their Costco MasterCard every time we shop there. No doubt they did not make their threshold commitment to MasterCard. After the Amex fiasco why would anyone go to their MasterCard if they already have their own favorite MasterCard. And let's face it the Costco MasterCard is not that attractive. And for us with the black Costco card you should look at what products are NOT participating in your annual bonus cheque.
The Costco Exclusions.
Executive Membership 2% Rewards Exclusions List
prescription drugs
all tobacco products (including: cigarette paper, lighters, matches and tubes)
all food court items
all bottle deposits and refunds
all taxes and levies
all Costco Services (click here for a complete list)
Costco Travel
eye examinations
tire disposal fees (where applicable)
tire mounting and balancing, and stud installation fees
gift certificates and Costco Cash electronic gift cards
membership fees
oil disposal fees (where applicable)
home delivery charges
administration fees
charitable donations
third party insurance payments
postage stamps
environmental fees, deposits or levies
other items, products and services specified as exclusions from time to time
all liquid milk and cream items (e.g., 1%, 2%, homogenized and skim milk, chocolate milk, light cream, cream blends, coffee cream, whipping cream, egg nog, buttermilk, concentrated milk, etc.)
all pharmacy items (including analgesics, cough and cold medication, allergy medication, eye care products, antacids, condoms, nicotine replacement therapies, vitamins, minerals, supplements, insulin, etc.)
all alcoholic beverages
all liquid milk items (e.g., 1%, 2%, homogenized and skim milk, chocolate milk, light cream, cream blends, coffee cream, whipping cream, egg nog, buttermilk, concentrated milk, etc.)
all optical centre items and services (e.g., eyeglasses, contact lenses, etc.)
all alcoholic beverages
A complete list of exclusions is also available at the Membership Counter in each warehouse.
2:14 pm
December 12, 2009

Wal-Mart Canada has been pissing me for a myriad of reasons right now, this being the latest and I used to like them:
1. Until recently, they spent years prohibiting cash from self-checkouts when the new bills and coinage were implemented and only recently have upgraded and/or replaced their machines
2. You can no longer apply for a Wal-Mart Financial MasterCard online, all applications must be done in store (they could easily fix this by allowing you to enter your long transaction code from your recent receipt to ensure that the CSR who upsold you receives credit for the application!)
3. They still haven't introduced a no-fee chequing account to be a companion to their MasterCard product nor have they replaced high fee, third party ATMs with no fee Wal-Mart branded ATMs
4. They've dramatically cut back on expenditures of weekly flyers, to like once a month, at best, and even then, they're much thinner, resulting in reduced revenue for already struggling newspapers, not very community-oriented
5. They still pay near minimum wage for store employees and rarely award full-time hours and zeolously discourage, dare I say prohibit, unionization
6. And now, this dispute with Visa, claiming they're trying to further trim expenses (they're already doing this!) and saying how much they pay in merchant fees to Visa, which accounts for between 55-60% of their credit card transaction volume. What they don't say is part of that is due to the sheer revenue they do every year and they pay probably the lowest merchant fee to Visa, less than any other Visa retailer, to be sure. Visa makes gobs of money, too, but on this one, I side with Visa as they're trying to make it the customer's problem.
2:47 pm
December 23, 2011

Good one Doug!
It seems Walmart and Coscto are bullies. The question is do they pass on enough savings to the consumer on "every " product they sell to be a leading edge competitor? I imagine these two are not the only companies that are penny pinching (expense control) in every transaction they have.
I would say they don't pass on best savings. I can shop in Home Depot in USA and buy almost all my in ground sprinkler parts for 1/3 compared to here. I also just bought a lot of cement pads here for 3.79 each and USA 1.11.
Canadians are just far to complacent.
4:43 pm
February 18, 2016

Doug said
Wal-Mart Canada has been pissing me for a myriad of reasons right now, this being the latest and I used to like them:
1. Until recently, they spent years prohibiting cash from self-checkouts when the new bills and coinage were implemented and only recently have upgraded and/or replaced their machines
2. You can no longer apply for a Wal-Mart Financial MasterCard online, all applications must be done in store (they could easily fix this by allowing you to enter your long transaction code from your recent receipt to ensure that the CSR who upsold you receives credit for the application!)
3. They still haven't introduced a no-fee chequing account to be a companion to their MasterCard product nor have they replaced high fee, third party ATMs with no fee Wal-Mart branded ATMs
4. They've dramatically cut back on expenditures of weekly flyers, to like once a month, at best, and even then, they're much thinner, resulting in reduced revenue for already struggling newspapers, not very community-oriented
5. They still pay near minimum wage for store employees and rarely award full-time hours and zeolously discourage, dare I say prohibit, unionization
6. And now, this dispute with Visa, claiming they're trying to further trim expenses (they're already doing this!) and saying how much they pay in merchant fees to Visa, which accounts for between 55-60% of their credit card transaction volume. What they don't say is part of that is due to the sheer revenue they do every year and they pay probably the lowest merchant fee to Visa, less than any other Visa retailer, to be sure. Visa makes gobs of money, too, but on this one, I side with Visa as they're trying to make it the customer's problem.![]()
1. Who these days use cash? Hello? 21 century? I have not use cash in years. Correct - in years. I have no use of real money at all.
2. Applying at the store gives those poor workers something to do. I do hate when they approach me every time when I am there, but I understand them as it is not them but f.management forcing them to do this stupid job. And I am always friendly with all Walmart workers and they do appreciate that.
3. Walmart is NOT A BANK. Hello???? It is biggest retailer in the world. Not a B A N K. Why would they go into financial business. If you have to use ATM they you HAVE to be charged. I would charge every ATM user $10 for withdrawal. Think ahead; prepare yourself for purchase. If you have to use ATM you are impulsive shopper and you should to be charged arm and leg.
4. I agree on that. I do like paper flyers to browse at my leisure and make a shopping list for the next week, if needed. Now I have to check them on-line. I asked many times at my locals tore 'where is my weekly flyier' and the answer was - call head office and complain. Staff at the store are slaves like anybody else; head office morons decide what to sell and what to do out of touch of reality.
5. You do not like it - do not work there. BUT, there will always be poor souls who need even those scraps of minimum wage. People here just bend, pull pants down and suffer. Until EVERYBODY refuses to work for slave drivers, there will be a lot of minimum wage takers. Not to worry; Canada takes about 200K new immigrants yearly so there will ALWAYS be enough workers at Walmart. And just do not go to union mafia. They are worse than government parasites.
6. No VISA at Walmart? Big deal. There are Master Card, AMEX. Never had any benefit from VISA. Last 15 years my wallet carries only 1-2 MC.
Walmart is not my favorite store as they sell crappy stuff but from time to time you can find good deal on high quality merchandise. You just have to be patient, know what exactly you want and time your purchase. Example: Valvoline oil was 13.88 last week. You cannot find lover price on brand name oil anywhere. Period.
Kanaka, I love your comments but please STOP comparing USA with Canada. You might live 5 minutes from the border so you do get all the benefit of cross border shopping, but majority of us live 100 or more KM away so this is like putting salt on open wound. USA is 100x bigger market that Canada and of course prices will be lower with bigger selection. We have to live with what we have and as I love to say - if you do not like it, get the f.out of here and go somewhere else.
5:53 pm
December 23, 2011

Kanaka, I love your comments but please STOP comparing USA with Canada. You might live 5 minutes from the border so you do get all the benefit of cross border shopping, but majority of us live 100 or more KM away so this is like putting salt on open wound. USA is 100x bigger market that Canada and of course prices will be lower with bigger selection. We have to live with what we have and as I love to say - if you do not like it, get the f.out of here and go somewhere else.
Ain't gonna happen. Canadians need to wake up! I used to work for a major retailer and I know how we are being gouged.
My comparison points are two fold.
The 1.11 I item costs 3.79 here. The 1.11 item clears at 1.11 + 27% or 1.41. So 1.41 vs 3.79 is fair pricing???????? And of the 21% exchange there is another 4% saving on lower sales tax. We are being gouged, gouged, gouged!!!!!!
The old Feds said they were going to look into the disparity and more so when the dollar was closer to par. Now a new government or is it they think no one is cross border shopping with the higher exchange rate and it does need looking into?
So my point is to "help everyone" from first hand knowledge to get better pricing. And I am sure not bragging that I am an hour and half way from cross border shopping.
Are you happy about paying high prices and being the quiet, polite and complacent Canadian in regards to it all????
7:35 pm
October 21, 2013

WalMart Canada Bank was incorporated in Canada in 2009 under the Bank Act, according to Wikipedia.
11:24 am
December 23, 2011

Here is another example of how we are being hosed from the other end.
Montreal-based clothing maker Gildan earned $396 million in profit last year, but paid just over $6 million in cash taxes — a rate of about two per cent.
Drug maker Valeant, based in nearby Laval, Que., booked $1.1 billion in profit in 2014 but paid only $110 million in tax.
Full story here.
Legal I assume. I guess we should just accept it?☹️
12:21 pm
October 21, 2013

I don't know the details on their tax returns, but the previous government was very keen on low corporate tax rates. Ours are some of the lowest ones going, significantly lower than the US as I understand it. I haven't checked to see if the current govt has taken any initiatives to do anything differently.
Honestly, there are so many ways for corporations and the very rich to avoid taxes that it's laughable. Yet we continue to get dinged on our measly 2% interest. Not to mention all the no-strings handouts the taxpayer has given corporations over many many years to supposedly create "good jobs". They say they're going to create jobs with them, and the next thing you know they have upped and moved to Mexico or Indiana or wherever, where it's easier to take advantage of workers. Doesn't matter which party is in power; they have both been guilty of this.
Did you seethe article the other day about CRA going after Conrad Black? They have put a huge lien on his house apparently.
6:48 pm
April 6, 2013

kanaka said
Here is another example of how we are being hosed from the other end.
Montreal-based clothing maker Gildan earned $396 million in profit last year, but paid just over $6 million in cash taxes — a rate of about two per cent.
…Full story here.
http://www.cbc.ca/news/busines.....-1.3639597Legal I assume. I guess we should just accept it?☹️
Yes. Most of its operations are actually outside of Canada.
According to its annual report, the only thing Gildan does in Canada is some sock manufacturing in Montreal. It is really a Barbados company that controlled by a Canadian shell. This is from the CBC story:
In Gildan's case, much of the company's day-to-day operations — design, sales, manufacturing, customer service, marketing and distribution — are in Barbados, where it has around 200 employees out of a global workforce of 42,000.
6:53 pm
April 6, 2013

Loonie said
… Honestly, there are so many ways for corporations and the very rich to avoid taxes that it's laughable. Yet we continue to get dinged on our measly 2% interest. Not to mention all the no-strings handouts the taxpayer has given corporations over many many years to supposedly create "good jobs". …
Except for the handouts, anyone can do it. Just see a lawyer, form an offshore corporation in Barbados or the Turks and Caicos, and invest through it. It is perfectly legal.
The challenge is that there are legal fees involved. Consequently, it's not really worthwhile for modest amounts of investment income.
Please write your comments in the forum.