7:43 pm
April 14, 2021

9:22 pm
November 25, 2019

9:37 pm
April 14, 2021

Years ago, I was under the impression that banks would sometimes reimburse the transfer fees, in order to gain the business. Perhaps I mis-understood the pitch. Today, I was speaking with BNS and they told me that they are not allowed to re-imburse the fees directly, but are allowed to give other forms of compensation. i.e. re-imbursement of account fees or other charges
Also, the amount of re-imbursement would depend on the funds brought over to the bank.
9:39 pm
October 21, 2013

10:07 pm
April 14, 2021

Loonie said
I think but am not certain that Achieva also doesn't charge.
I think that Achieva charges fees.
$275/hour (1 hour minimum)
5:06 am
March 30, 2017

All the big banks I know of will reimburse / offset the ‘account closing / transfer fee’ if u bring in a decent amount. Safe to say anything above mid 6-figure portfolio qualifies. At 7-figure, all will bend over for you.
CU should not be any different.
I do think you need a dedicated advisor that covers your account tho. Dedicated does not mean the advisor get a fee from you each year. They r evaluated based on total assets under management. So they are just happy to have your portfolio counted as part the pool he/she manages.
To give u an example, under CIBC imperial service, you can have your accounts under IE where you make 100% of ur investment decision only. But the Imperial Service advisor’s name on your account, and he or she can reimburse the transfer fee when you are on-boarding.
8:45 am
October 21, 2013

HermanH said
I think that Achieva charges fees.RRSP/RRIF/TFSA Payout
$275/hour (1 hour minimum)
I have no idea what this means but I don't think it's a transfer fee.
There is nothing listed under 'Account Transfer Fees' for registered funds.
Please write your comments in the forum.