11:06 am
December 17, 2016

Outsmarting Fraudsters with Advanced Analytics
Ever wondered how your bank knew to call you when a thief attempted to buy a flat-screen TV on your Visa credit card? Or why your mobile banking app sent you an alert after a series of unusual transactions occurred on your Visa account at a gas station hundreds of miles from your home?
Your transaction history is used to derive spending patterns specific to you, but it’s also used to make the entire system smarter.
It's taken them quite a period of time but, I believe they finally got it figured out for my spending habits!
2:02 am
October 21, 2013

Yes, they are definitely getting better at this. I used to get account suspended just for shopping at more than one grocery store! - very annoying while at the cash register on a busy day. It was predictable that it would happen at least once a year. Even when I stood there in the grocery store on the phone explaining that, yes, I really did shop at two stores, they wouldn't let it go through. For this reason, among others, I always carry two cards.
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