4:35 pm
October 29, 2017

7% for December. I hope ours isn’t that high!
7:40 am
November 8, 2018

I do enjoy reading propaganda pieces. My favorite about inflation, so far, is the following: Why inflation can actually be good for everyday Americans and bad for rich people
9:26 am
September 11, 2013

But it's true, fixed cost/payments for a rising-in-value-due-to-inflation asset, like a house, is a good deal, no? Most people, by the time they finish making payments on their home, find that (due to the rises in their wages over the years) those payments are far less burdensome than years before when they purchased the home.
1:04 pm
April 6, 2013

1:29 pm
November 8, 2018

That's what I like about good propaganda: they take the truth and bend it to fit the narrative. The bad propaganda just lies.
The honest title of that article should have been "Why inflation can actually be good for Americans with fixed-rate debt like a 30-year mortgage and bad for everyone else."
Even that is disputable, if cost of living rises faster than income for mortgage holders. Still, much more honest than "Inflation is only bad for rich people" the original title implies.
1:52 pm
September 11, 2013

Which raises a good question. Seems to me everything is propaganda now. Today on publicly-funded CBC (my wife told me) they had a guy on about the supply/demand situation re beef and what's likely to happen with prices going forward and all the host wanted to divert him to was that eating beef is a bad thing to do and people shouldn't be doing it. That's probably why they had him on in the first place, to promote their message.
Anybody recommend any truly balanced sources of info these days? I can't think of any.
Please write your comments in the forum.