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turmoil in world markets
August 6, 2011
7:26 pm
Forum Posts: 146
Member Since:
November 8, 2009
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

so USA has lost its triple A credit rating, Europe is looking like it will crash, stock markets are convulsing, financial advisors are scrambling to look like they know what to do and we are all waiting to see the markets open on monday for a possible blood bath.
Inexplicably some experts are saying interest rates need to go DOWN to allow for easy borrowing to encourage economic growth? Isnt over-spending what got the entire world to this point? Instead of raising the USA debt ceiling they should have cut spending and raised taxes but that would be too politically toxic. When will the world learn to stop spending more than they have? Where have you moved your money to ride out the storm or are you staying put and not looking at the markets?

August 7, 2011
9:29 am

I put my money towards things that help me eliminate my dependency on money.

August 8, 2011
9:25 am

Interest rates up or down?

(up> because of global credit considerations OR down> due to more government stimulus in the face of recession part 2)

The markets will decide but at this point its a mugs game to even try to assess the global situation rationally.

FOR now, only liquidity and safety matter.
And who knows about gold? In the long run you cant eat the stuff.

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