9:12 pm
October 21, 2013

GS said
Loonie said
[snip]Are there any books like, say, bonds for dummies or something like that, do you know?
My go-to book when I was learning about bonds was the first edition of "In Your Best Interest, the Ultimate Guide to the Canadian Bond Market" by Hank Cunningham - see details about his latest offerings here here.
Thanks very much, Greg. I have just requested it from my public library - now in 3rd edition!
11:51 pm
December 23, 2011

Loonie said
Norman1 said
According to the May 24, 2013 issue of the Money Reporter newsletter, the customary deposit broker commission for a GIC is ¼% for each year of the GIC's term. For example, a deposit broker selling a three-year, $10,000 GIC would be paid
(¼% per year) x $10,000 x 3 years = $75
by the GIC issuer.
I think I'll be a deposit broker when I grow up. The last time I bought a GIC through one of them, it was for 1 year at 1.45%, the same thing they offered me last month when it came up for renewal, but this time I didn't bite.
So, I'll set up a small business as a deposit broker in my basement, and you guys can all buy your GICs from me, and I'll take the .25 that you should have had if only you'd not gone through me. Heck, I'll knock off 5 basis points for friends. If all the people reading this thread come up with, let's say $10million between you, I can make $20,000 each and every year for doing not much more than I already do on my own behalf but with much less money! I too can read what it says on Cannex. Sound like a deal? Sign here, please__________. I also offer excellent vacuum cleaners, hot water heaters, and eavestrough cleaning services, and will appraise your house for free when I come to your door for a friendly follow-up chat.
That should be a newbie special.
5:38 am
October 21, 2013

I have been looking into Hank Cunningham, whom GS recommended above.
He works with a BC investment house.
You might want to check out this page and read his recent speech. I find it hard to be sure if it's all correct, but it's clear, and even I can understand it! It dos sound reasonable.
8:43 am
October 27, 2013

1:55 pm
March 30, 2017

Bud said
Where can i get corporate bond quotes any sites searched couldnt find
best is to login to your brokerage and see what they have.
However expect very wide bid/offer mkt and what you may be able to see is what your brokerage actually has in inventory.
If there is a specific bond you are looking for right at this moment and its not in inventory, it wont be easy to source or the spread being charged will be so big that its not worth it.
No public info site will give you price on corporate bonds in any timely fashion, when a lot of them dont even trade regularly. Liquidity is so thin and that is the reason why Fed and central bank worldwide has to pump money into the system to keep the flow going to avert a credit crunch like 2008/2009.
Please write your comments in the forum.