11:51 am
July 10, 2011

TD Bank New Fees Coming March 01, 2016..
Just Crazy.
Screenshot attached.
1:09 pm
November 19, 2014

1:34 pm
November 11, 2015

2:33 pm
May 28, 2013

And just WHY would anyone have an account at such a bank? If you need it for some reason, then keep the bare minimum in it.
My friend has an account at TD, and recently they raised the minumum balance on her account to an absurd level if one wishes to avoid paying certain fees. The interest rate they then pay is about 0.05% or some other ludicrously low figure.
I was in a TD branch recently and asked them for the rate on their high interest savings account. When the fellow told me it was 0.55%, I told him he must have misheard me - I had asked for "high interest savings". Eventually he just smiled.
3:16 pm
June 29, 2013

Koogie said
I got notice as well for my small business accounts.
Just another reason to buy their stock....
Agree with you - diversifying one's investments with TD shares (or one of the other large banks) is a very good strategy. Cdn banks will continue to do well - pay great dividends and will appreciate in value. At least when we pay service charges, we get something back in our shareholdings of the bank.
Please write your comments in the forum.