1:09 pm
December 23, 2011

3:36 pm
October 21, 2013

4:25 pm
December 23, 2011

8:05 pm
July 10, 2011

6:09 pm
February 20, 2018

What we all missed in the bottoming upturn in oil can be summed up in two words "national security". No way government is gonna let critical refineries supply infrastructure shut down it's maybe as important as banks. Imperials refinery in Sarnia is it i believe is the only one that feeds entire province. The U.S. n Cdn govs are suspending environmental enforcement temporarily to help the industry.
6:38 pm
December 12, 2009

Bud said
What we all missed in the bottoming upturn in oil can be summed up in two words "national security". No way government is gonna let critical refineries supply infrastructure shut down it's maybe as important as banks. Imperials refinery in Sarnia is it i believe is the only one that feeds entire province. The U.S. n Cdn govs are suspending environmental enforcement temporarily to help the industry.
I think Shell might have one in Ontario, but not totally sure. Also, don't forget U.S. refineries also supply parts of Canada.
As to bottoming, no bear market has had only a single bottom, according to TD Securities equity research team.
I will say that, as far as the stock market is concerned, I am much more at ease as a bull in a bear market than I have been as a bear in a bull market for the past five years. As far as COVID-19 and the economic shutdown is concerned, it's downright depressing and I feel uneasy. 🙁
9:43 am
October 29, 2017

Mmmmm... free oil. I guess I’ll keep that cup of coffee I was ready to trade for a barrel of oil.
12:08 pm
October 21, 2013

8:31 am
October 29, 2017

Drowning in oil.
5:45 pm
January 28, 2015

Suncor is still at 20.64 a few weeks back when oil was higher it was at 14.02 ,before this mess it hit 46.00. I think it's too high right now , with the world glut, oil is going nowhere, Suncor should drop to 10.00 in my opinion . A typical plane (737) most common takes 45,000 lbs of fuel. Toronto Pearson usually sees up to 400 flights daily, the other day on the way to work I heard on the radio there was only 9 flights coming into Pearson that day . Now today Air Canada has suspended all flights to US until May 30th.... oil is going nowhere
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