4:44 pm
April 6, 2013
This is from the IIROC strip bond information statement about how strip bonds are taxed:
Annual Taxation of Strip Bonds
In general terms, the amount of notional interest deemed to accrue each year will be determined by using the interest rate which, when applied to the total purchase price (including any dealer mark-up or commission) and compounded at least annually, will result in a cumulative accrual of notional interest from the date of purchase to the date of maturity equal to the amount of the discount from face value at which the strip bond was purchased.For individuals and certain trusts, the required accrual of notional interest in each year is generally only up to the anniversary date of the issuance of the underlying bond. For example, if a strip bond is purchased on February 1 of a year and the anniversary date of the issuance of the underlying bond is June 30, only five months of notional interest accrual will be required in the year of purchase. However, in each subsequent year, notional interest will be required to be accrued from July 1 of that year to June 30 of the subsequent year (provided that the strip bond is still held on June 30 of the subsequent year).
In some circumstances the anniversary date of the issuance of the underlying bond may not be readily determinable. In these circumstances individual investors may wish to consider accruing notional interest each year to the end of the year instead of to the anniversary date.
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