1:54 pm
September 24, 2019

2:23 pm
September 7, 2018

Alexandra said
Dow down over 600 points today, TSX also down. A sign of more to come?
Heard various interviews on Business channels - economists etc. - there is some discontent on both sides of the border with Biden's approach - to start with 11,000 people (US & Canada) layed off this week as a result of the Keystone Pipeline cancellation and the message "we will find them other jobs" from the Secretary (yeah, sure she will!) It looks like the Biden govt is going to focus on the environment - the economy and business will not be same priority. The huge US aid package is also making people nervous because of course someone will have to pay for this huge expenditure eventually. Other bad news like Covid situation etc. weighs on sentiment. So such news is very negative for the markets - result was drop in Dow and TSX. Markets look for a business friendly administration - not what they perceive with Biden's start.
2:46 pm
January 3, 2013

I think it is just a normal correction. The market has been steadily rising which looked like a real crazy gamble rise without sentiment to me. Now, the market is taking a break and of course many are scared and selling to keep the profit.
TSX will hover over 18000 for 2021 in my opinion. Keeps going up and down.
My strategy has been contributing to TFSA, RRSP, RESP daily to maximize for each year and I will keep doing it. Dividends are nice and I don't need the money for another 20 years hopefully. All ETFs using Robo. Not going to get involved in a single stock risk and yeah I know. Too much headache.
3:06 pm
January 12, 2019

Alexandra said
Dow down over 600 points today, TSX also down. A sign of more to come?
Stock markets were Down, all over the world today.
Reuters Link ➡ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets/stocks-tumble-on-recovery-fears-dollar-climbs-idUSKBN29V2RC
My crystal ball says the next two weeks will tell . . .

" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
3:13 pm
September 6, 2020

3:18 pm
September 6, 2020

3:56 pm
January 9, 2011

mmlt said
Stock market crash incoming. That's right you heard it here first.My bank contacted me about bad interest rates and recommends a qtrade portfolio. A clear indicator of impending doom.
Yup, when a bank recommends an unaware retail investor (not saying its you, just the bank's approach) get investments, its the kiss of death. In business, there is an inventory accounting term that seems appropriate, "last in, first out" (at a lower value)
"Keep your stick on the ice. Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together." - Red Green
4:03 pm
September 7, 2018

mmlt said
Stock market crash incoming. That's right you heard it here first.
So would the "crash" be a 5% correction, a 10% correction, a 20% correction, a ? correction? What do you figure, when you use the word "crash"?
FYI - today's drops in % terms were as follows:
DOW - 2.05%
S&P500 - 2.57%
S&P/TSX - 2%
4:14 pm
February 20, 2018

Game is a good lesson on what a scam short selling can be and how you really could get wiped out. Many of us would logically short that type of co. but traders can conspire to drive it up no matter the fundamentals. Could any stock be manipulated. Lesson dont short sale unless u have inside knowledge or a 15 thousand dollar bloomberg terminal. Who knows who's behind the reddit forum. Can u imagine betting 10k short on some failing co. n traders drive it up five times ur out 50k. Shorting has become a joke for most of us.
4:35 pm
January 28, 2015

I agree with Dean next 2 months ,usually market goes up in RRSP season come March the profit takers cash out and market corrects . A buying opportunity.
Then there's sleepy Joe , bending Justin over it seems every couple of days . This gets people scared. I don't care buy dividend stocks that pay better than the banks and buy more when the market crashes ,it will come back ,it always has.
4:39 pm
November 8, 2018

When CNN publishes Analysis (their word, not mine) in which their editor-at-large says stock short squeeze is caused by those who are brainwashed with Trump ideology, you know that people are getting irrational and so does market.
In other words, so called financial pros are losing grip on the market. Expect wild ride.
By the way, when Dow was moving up under Donald, same CNN proclaimed average folks shouldn't care, because they don't benefit from that, because they don't invest.
Perhaps, if market starts going opposite direction under Joe, the direction that is long overdue, we will hear the same argument again.
9:07 pm
December 4, 2016

More people are betting in stocks as bank accounts are paying less and less. Many may be new to investing completely. This might lead to some serious swings in the market. Hoping not. Stock market swings can really harm people and cause anxiety that could lead to issues with much larger implications. Like stress and not being able to sleep.
10:37 pm
February 4, 2017

canadian.100 said
mmlt said
Stock market crash incoming. That's right you heard it here first.
So would the "crash" be a 5% correction, a 10% correction, a 20% correction, a ? correction? What do you figure, when you use the word "crash"?
FYI - today's drops in % terms were as follows:
DOW - 2.05%
S&P500 - 2.57%
S&P/TSX - 2%
Just my sarcasm acting out again and my disdain for bank salespeople.
I didn't mean to cause panic.
I have no interest in stocks and bonds. I know my limitations.
9:24 am
January 12, 2019

12:48 pm
October 29, 2017

The market was overvalued before COVID-19, so it’s seriously overvalued now!
The only reasons it rose over the past couple years is because interest rates were low and tanked to rock bottom at the start of COVID-19. Everyone has been stuffing money in the markets and seeking the better returns, this has been out of necessity, urgency and greed.
There is no doubt in my mind that a massive correction is coming. The likes of 50%. With low interest rates, it won’t happen abruptly, but once a trigger hits it will happen. I figured it would have happened in past years, already. So I have no clue when it will hit.
8:19 am
February 20, 2018

I'll add they could be trying to scare small individuals away from the market so they'll instead put their stimmy cheques into the real economy. We'll see Im leaning toward more volatility based on the fake news though. The common has been propped up for years maybe its time for them to pay the piper. My finger is on the sell button. A few brokerages have already shut down preventing their clients from trading. Im a bit worried I won't be able to access my stocks given the long wait times on the phone. The latest tout short sellers burned to bail out zombie cos. seems plausible. One thing is clear joe public is being lied to manipulated constantly.
Please write your comments in the forum.