10:45 am
May 27, 2016

Bud said
Where can i find the numerical advancers decline line for U.S.
I'm going to assume you mean real-time, and for free LOL
Scroll down the page just a bit -- I've used that same link for 20 years
For longer than daily trends you can just fish what you want out of here -- https://stockcharts.com/search/?section=symbols&q=advance+decline
6:53 pm
February 20, 2018

Whats a good source of business news Cnbc is limited and somewhat bias like Bloomberg. Cnbc doesnt think yearly earnings comparison matters and they promote the "estimates" scam. They push the industry agenda and basic subscribers are left out in the cold. Reuters a little better but doesnt have everything. Does one have to have a 10k terminal to get the whole story. Any apps mostly crap? Seems more free info has been purged.
8:33 am
February 20, 2018

"Gate-keep information" I've been saying for years the securities industry conspires with media n big data providers to control public information by charging such high fees making it inaccessible to the public. And when you complain ur ignored or attacked told to "shut up u cant beat the market put ur money into indexing or get an advisor". Indexers have been bailed out twice in 08 n more recently.
"The mainstream investment world treats retail investors "like we don't know what's best for us (they mock us with charictures in news)," he says, so they gate-keep information." Cbc
Barchart.com is one of the best free data sources I've seen. Any others post.
6:55 am
February 20, 2018

Bigcharts (not barchart) is good for advance decline but sometimes its accuracy is delayed is there another link?
Please write your comments in the forum.