6:39 pm
August 4, 2010

The federal privacy commissioner will be formally investigating this request, so that should provide a forum for getting StatsCan to try and justify the need for this.
For instance, it would be interesting to see if it would be feasible to have the banks do some sort of de-identifying procedure on their end, before sending the data.
7:21 pm
September 11, 2013

Haven't really weighed in on this, don't care much, but I will say that based on my work experience that involved government I have to echo Top It Up's sentiment that to think this stuff doesn't often originate from the top is naïve. Independence of gov't depts and agencies is the theory for mass consumption - not so much always in practice, from what I saw.
4:41 am
January 7, 2016

12:09 am
January 7, 2016

2:21 pm
August 10, 2018

8:21 pm
August 10, 2018

Please sign the attached House of Commons petition against this Statistics Canada overreach.
12:08 pm
February 27, 2018

Kidd said
You're truly giving the Canadian government more credit than they deserve.In Ontario we used to have dmv kiosks, which made licence renewals, a piece of cake. These kiosks were hacked with credit card skimmers, so they were all removed.
Here's a government who bought Phoenix, a payroll system that had been proven NOT to work before we bought it.
Here's a government who started a do NOT call registry. Then in 2009, they sold the list to organizations. So that we could be called.
Here's a government thinking about a 5G network, using Chinese technology full of backdoors. The Americans have sternly warned YOUR government NOT to use Huawei.
So tell me... the Canadian government gathers ALL our financial data in one place. Tom Tutone has $352,987.32 at TD account number 8675309. All the work has been done for the Russians and Chinese. If the states get hacked daily and they are a hell of a lot smarter than us... WHAT CHANCE DO WE HAVE?
Well... it has happened again. Ontario pot smoker data has been breached. In my day we called it dope.
2:45 pm
August 10, 2018

Statistics Canada failed to disclose key info about project to harvest bank data
3:44 pm
April 9, 2013

FYI...I just found out that StatsCan accessed my credit report twice in the last 2 months. If you read the fine print it says "Your credit information can only be accessed by those agencies you give consent to." Then 8 pages later, it further clarifies "with consent or as authorized by law". Draw your own conclusions...
4:06 pm
December 17, 2016

From Global News
StatCan scooped up 15 years of personal financial data from Canadian credit bureau
Global News has learned Statistics Canada has previously harvested personal financial data from a credit bureau, containing information about potentially millions of Canadians. As David Akin reports, StatsCan has not broken any rules doing this, because it doesn't need Canadians' consent.
Please write your comments in the forum.