1:17 pm
April 15, 2015

I have parted ways with my advisor & his company & have transferred to BMO investorline.I am slowly going to do my own research & rebuild my portfolio with low cost MER mutual funds, ETF's & possibly some blue chip stocks to go along with my RRSP GIC's.Do any of the retirement guru's on this forum have any favourite funds that I could research & form my own opinion on?I like several of the Mawer funds,along with their low fees.I cross reference my funds that I am interested in on Morningstar & Globe & Mail website to see their history.These site give a lot of info.I am looking for a 4-6 % average yield.Any tips would be appreciated. Thanks.
1:21 pm
October 21, 2013

2:37 pm
October 27, 2013

Besides Moneysense, there is lots of information on finiki, e.g. http://www.finiki.org/wiki/Por.....portfolios and on Canadian Couch Potato http://canadiancouchpotato.com//
Realistically, one can have a complete portfolio with 3 very low cost ETFs, or even just 2 if you limit yourself to Canada. A perfect portfolio can be extremely simple.
Please write your comments in the forum.