11:16 am
March 30, 2017

smayer97 said
Until I see evidence that counters the evidence that many have presented that better supports what I can also see and corroborate, I'll stick to that, though always open to be convinced otherwise.
Just stand at the corner of King and Bay St, and ask every money market and bond traders if they watch the CB announcement like a hawk or not. Based on what you said and if it is indeed true, they should say "why do we care, the CB always just follow what we already priced in, 100% of the time".
See if you can get urself an invite to go to bank's trading floor on a CB date and watch yourself....
11:25 am
October 27, 2013

savemoresaveoften said
Just stand at the corner of King and Bay St, and ask every money market and bond traders if they watch the CB announcement like a hawk or not. Based on what you said and if it is indeed true, they should say "why do we care, the CB always just follow what we already priced in, 100% of the time".
See if you can get urself an invite to go to bank's trading floor on a CB date and watch yourself....
With all due respect, you are wasting your time. Almost everyone knows the market speculates on where the BoC is going next and tries to price it in well ahead of meeting dates. It has been the case for years, if not decades.
My view is this particular assertion/opinion is just another way of trying to be seen as a differentiator (and thus draw eyeballs and followers).
12:24 pm
August 30, 2023

mordko said
For example, I bought a 5-year GIC in 2023 with a rate of 5.23%. With under 4% rates available today for 1-year money, looks like my GIC was the right choice at the time.That said, I have been shortening duration of my fixed income over the last 6 months.
We can still make over 5% since then in short terms. There was a 5% for 6 months from Saven short time back. I am making 5.25% from Simplii promo. So it has been almost 2 years for you, locking in. So what premium are you expecting for locking in if not 2%? Also please consider the liquidity in short terms, that is invaluable.
12:36 pm
September 29, 2017

savemoresaveoften said
Just stand at the corner of King and Bay St, and ask every money market and bond traders if they watch the CB announcement like a hawk or not. Based on what you said and if it is indeed true, they should say "why do we care, the CB always just follow what we already priced in, 100% of the time".
See if you can get urself an invite to go to bank's trading floor on a CB date and watch yourself....
An appeal to the people or authority is a logical fallacy. It does not prove anything.
12:37 pm
September 29, 2017

AltaRed said
My view is this particular assertion/opinion is just another way of trying to be seen as a differentiator (and thus draw eyeballs and followers).
drawing eyeballs and followers? Do you see me seeking an audience? They way that people can be dismissive simply because they do not agree...
1:06 pm
August 30, 2023

smayer97 said
drawing eyeballs and followers? Do you see me seeking an audience? They way that people can be dismissive simply because they do not agree...
As per Warren Buffett , he said he cannot predict markets. So I just want to know from you what time frame can we take from markets. Can the markets guide us on the short term rates or long term rates? Ball park 1 or 2 or 5 years.
2:29 pm
October 27, 2013

smayer97 said
drawing eyeballs and followers? Do you see me seeking an audience? They way that people can be dismissive simply because they do not agree...
I was referring to Elliott Wave theorists and backers. A simple Google search brings up many links that mostly debunk its success (accuracy) rate. This discussion was beat to death back in March 2024 or so in a thread you actually started https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/forum/general-financial-discussion/how-does-the-bank-of-canada-and-the-federal-reserve-determine-interest-rate-changes-psa/ Almost no one supports the concept so why not just leave it alone?
Overnight rates are going to be what the BoC and/or US Fed say they are going to be, taking all market information into account. It is only logical market sentiment (guesses) will mostly be coincidental with what central bankers eventually do since it is based on the same data sources, but there will always be surprises now and then when central bankers do not do the expected.
2:36 pm
April 27, 2017

zgic said
We can still make over 5% since then in short terms. There was a 5% for 6 months from Saven short time back. I am making 5.25% from Simplii promo. So it has been almost 2 years for you, locking in. So what premium are you expecting for locking in if not 2%? Also please consider the liquidity in short terms, that is invaluable.
I have liquidity. GICs make 5% of my non-house assets. 95% is liquid. 25% is in liquid fixed income. I am not planning to spend it all in the next few years (and I am earning income), so liquidity on 5% of portfolio has no value to me.
You were talking about short term GICs vs 5 years GICs. Why are you suddenly jumping to cash? I have cash in a Simplii promo too. And?
The point is that one wants assets to be diversified. I think GICs play a role as part of the overall fixed income allocation. And within that investment vehicle having a 5 year GIC will give you better returns than 5 consecutive 1-year GICs most of the time. And if you suddenly need liquidity then 1-year GICs won’t help.
3:21 pm
September 29, 2017

AltaRed said
I was referring to Elliott Wave theorists and backers. A simple Google search brings up many links that mostly debunk its success (accuracy) rate. This discussion was beat to death back in March 2024 or so in a thread you actually started https://www.highinterestsavings.ca/forum/general-financial-discussion/how-does-the-bank-of-canada-and-the-federal-reserve-determine-interest-rate-changes-psa/ Almost no one supports it so why not just leave it alone?
Overnight rates are going to be what the BoC and/or US Fed say they are going to be, taking all market information into account. It is only logical market sentiment (guesses) will mostly be coincidental with what central bankers eventually do since the it is based on the same data sources, but there will always be surprises now and then when central bankers do not do the expected.
Many of you spend so much time trying to dissuade but provide little substance to support those positions. You seem to think that I am looking for approval, acceptance, agreement, or consensus. I simply present an alternative perspective, that works. And yes, it does work.
If you are relying on Google to direct your financial decisions, all the best to you. It is simply a search engine, not a financial planning, investment guide, or data analyzer. Use the tool for what it is...
And all the "logic" you apply to dissuade my perspective, is it not all about trying to guess the market direction? If not, then why bother having the discussion? Does it is not just make it a bunch of meaningless talk? Pause and think about it.
In the end, the best form of investing or trading is risk management, and trying to find and catch a trend. Otherwise, dollar-cost average is all that makes sense... which has been shown to be mediocre, at best.
3:45 pm
April 27, 2017

Does it “work”? You confidently claimed that there will be “another 50 pt drop by end of Jan”.
We’ll see.
On a side note, using market as a timing “strategy” to predict the future is obvious nonsense because whatever market knows is already reflected within asset prices. Its like knowing that a dozen of eggs can be bought for $6 in a grocery shop and claiming that you can make money on it.
4:14 pm
September 29, 2017

mordko said
Does it “work”? You confidently claimed that there will be “another 50 pt drop by end of Jan”.We’ll see.
On a side note, using market as a timing “strategy” to predict the future is obvious nonsense because whatever market knows is already reflected within asset prices. Its like knowing that a dozen of eggs can be bought for $6 in a grocery shop and claiming that you can make money on it.
I never claimed anything. I only present what I observe. On Dec 9, I stated that it looked liked things were lining up for another 50 pt drop by Jan '25 (after first a 50 pt drop prior the Dec announcement). And I have been right for every change since the top for over a year (BTW, not trying got say I am special or anything). At this point, it looks like only a 25 pts drop will happen... but the market is still well poised for more drops for a while.
4:29 pm
April 27, 2017

So you are constantly changing your “predictions” by rebroadcasting what everybody in the world already knows. Remind me, what use is this? https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/bank-canada-cut-rates-jan-29-cautious-over-potential-us-tariff-impact-2025-01-16/
Also, the market isn’t “poised for more drops for a while”. That’s not what the bond market is doing.
5:50 pm
September 29, 2017

P.S. The one key difference is that I do not need to depend on all the talking points.
(Not sure what happened... my last post was deleted... not sure why. I did not say anything bad. All I said is that you keep building strawman arguments, thinking that I am claiming special insight no one else has... I simply present what others should be able to see also, given a certain lense.)
As for the bond market, then you are likely only following the talking points and are not paying attention to what is actually going on.
6:16 pm
April 27, 2017

As for the bond market, I am looking at GOC yields. 1 to 3 year yields are at around 3%. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/interest-rates/canadian-bonds/
Overnight rate is 3.25%.
That’s not a talking point. That’s market pricing for rates over the next little while. If you think that the market is telling you there are lots more drops then you are not in Canada.
6:27 pm
September 29, 2017

7:18 pm
April 27, 2017

10:23 pm
September 29, 2017

Not saying that what you are looking at is wrong. BUT you are still being very selective; too much confirmation bias. From the article, "According to the poll's median forecasts, another 25 bps cut will come in March, followed by one more next quarter, taking the overnight rate to 2.50%, below what interest rate futures are now pricing."
But I am not relying on quotes like that at all. Just using it to point out that there is more than one perspective. And from my perspective, short-term rates (3, 6 months; that's all I ever talk about) still look down, for now. That's what influences the CB rates.
6:51 am
March 30, 2017

smayer97 said
I never claimed anything. I only present what I observe. On Dec 9, I stated that it looked liked things were lining up for another 50 pt drop by Jan '25 (after first a 50 pt drop prior the Dec announcement). And I have been right for every change since the top for over a year (BTW, not trying got say I am special or anything). At this point, it looks like only a 25 pts drop will happen... but the market is still well poised for more drops for a while.
U are funny. U said 50 a month ago, now says 25. And if the CB goes 25, then u say "See they follow the market".
And ur "insight" is nth more than what CORRA prices in etc. Hardly an insight...
If you insist CB follows what market price 100% of the time, I will tell you 'you are wrong' one more time. Its not even a different perspective, just plain wrong.
CB decision vs what market prices in coincidence most of the time during normal times, cuz both uses same economic data and traders guess right what CB will do, especially after CB broadcasts what they plan to do.
10:02 am
September 29, 2017

You keep misconstruing what I keep saying. Dec 9, I said, it look[ed] like things were lining up for another 50 pt drop by Jan '25. That was based on how the data was presenting itself at that time. Markets are not a static thing. Since then, the market slowed down its progress, though still maintains a strong downtrend, at this time, in spite of short term shift (and the accompanying headlines). Very visible. As I have stated several times before, "The rate will NOT change until there is at least a 25pts differential between the current BoC rate and the short-term bond market".
I only state what I see the market doing. Since the market did not move enough, it is only showing room for a 25 pt drop by the BoC at this time. Simple. This is not based on my interpretation, just simply see where the market is. Period. And as a result, that is why the spin is making the headlines that the BoC will only move 25 pts. Headlines attributed to the BoC are in rearview, but spun to make it look original (easy to see by looking back). And many times market goes a different direction than what the BoC announces and tries to do. But the market determined things ahead of time. You all have said so in oh so many ways. Because it always does, whatever the reasons.
If you get what I say, great. Does not matter. I will continue to present what I see. Everyone can take it as they see fit. Just like everyone can take what you say as they see fit.
Please write your comments in the forum.