1:46 pm
April 6, 2013

Bill said
… Download files to USB or other memory device, plus another for backup, that's what I do - isn't that safe and sufficient?
Careful with those flash memory devices, like those USB memory sticks and SSD drives, for long term storage.
The data is stored as a charge or no charge in a memory cell. That charge will fade over years. One needs to rewrite the data periodically or will have a nasty surprise years later!
2:05 pm
April 6, 2013

Winnie said
By the way, I would like to buy a printer, that prints directly from memory card or USB flash without connecting to the computer. Apparently, after I did some research, it's hard to find such printer reasonable priced, that prints regular size documents from PDF files from memory cards or USB flash. Any recommendations?
That's not going to be possible for PDF files. PDF files require significant processing and memory to render the pattern of colored toner or ink dots to put on the page.
Normally, all that rendering is done by the multi-core processor of and in the memory of the computer running the PDF viewing software. That way, the printer can be cheap because it just needs to how to drop this coloured dot here, here, but not there.
If one wishes to have a printer to do that rendering on its own, the printer will need the processor, memory, software do that, on top of the basic ability to drop colored dots on the page.
Such printers are available for under $500. But, not for just $50.
6:41 pm
September 11, 2013

Norman1, each account file is updated at least every 3 months on the USB memory stick, plus I update the backup on another stick at the same time, so I doubt both sticks will explode at the same time. No big deal anyway, fi's keep my statements available online for years.
Ok, I'll buy another stick and have 2 backups.
8:49 pm
April 6, 2013

The risk isn't that the memory sticks will explode! It is that the data will "fade away" over years.
If you rewrite all the files every three months, then they will all be fine.
Some people will write just new files to the memory stick. So, the flash memory cells holding the eight-year old files haven't been written to in eight years. It is those old files that could start having problems.
If one would like those family photos to be available in 30 years, one needs to rewrite them every few years if one is storing them on a flash memory stick.
I wouldn't rely on the financial institution keeping the statements. Loonie and I discovered a while back that EQ Bank doesn't really keep statements. The statements are actually an extract that is generated when we ask for them!
We know this because they had upgraded their system and lost the GIC reference numbers on the HISA transactions. Those GIC reference numbers are in the monthly statements downloaded in the past. But, if one asks for that past monthly statement now, the GIC reference numbers are gone!
8:33 am
December 7, 2011

Thank you Norman1 for great explanation about stand alone printers.
My very old computer is "allergic" to regular printers under $50, so I wanted to buy a stand alone printer. Now I changed my mind and will continue to keep my records in electronic form only.
Also, now I will rewrite all my memory sticks every year, it's not hard to do at all.
If someone here would like to print for me "EQ TFSA Beneficiary form", I will pay $7 via Interac E-Transfer. $1 per page, I think it's reasonable. Please write me private message, I will provide my address or pick-up around GTA and Mississauga.
9:39 am
April 6, 2013

Some municipal public libraries offer printing.
Toronto Public Library seems to be one of them: TPL: Printing & Photocopying
11:46 am
December 7, 2011

Norman1 said
Some municipal public libraries offer printing.Toronto Public Library seems to be one of them: TPL: Printing & Photocopying
Thank you, Norman1, but I don't have library card and really would prefer curbside pick-up vs going inside anywhere now. Willing to pay extra for curbside pick-up, have no problem with that, but don't know who can print and allow me to pick-up from curbside. Any idea?
1:42 pm
April 6, 2013

Winnie said
Thank you, Norman1, but I don't have library card and really would prefer curbside pick-up vs going inside anywhere now. Willing to pay extra for curbside pick-up, have no problem with that, but don't know who can print and allow me to pick-up from curbside. Any idea?
Long time ago, I had a large PDF (200+ pages) printed at a Staples store. I remember it was not cheap.
Some of the UPS Stores and FedEx stores offer printing services. Not sure about the curbside pickup.
No way to convince EQ Bank to print and mail the form to you?
2:39 pm
December 7, 2011

7:51 am
September 11, 2013

Norman1, I'm was never worried about files fading, I update them regularly. But I'm more concerned about the device itself, I figure one day it just won't open or work any more because the stick itself is just done. So I have backup mainly because I figure that won't happen to 2 devices at the same time.
8:49 am
April 6, 2013

Double failure is unlikely if the two devices are different. Different brands, from different manufacturing batches, or different amount of wear.
Writing same content to both devices at the same times will result in equal wear. If the two devices were from the same company and bought at the same time, there is a good chance they are from the same manufacturing batch.
Under those circumstances, a double failure is quite likely!
8:54 am
April 6, 2013

Winnie said
I contacted EQ 3 times.
Received only negative responses: "we're online bank and have no capability to print, sorry".
It sounds like EQ Bank didn't think things through enough.
How were they supposed to do RRSP and TFSA transfers without printed forms? Unlike regular accounts, one can't "push" the money in an RRSP account to an RRSP account at another financial institution.
10:38 am
September 11, 2013

Yup, Norman1, that much I figured out, I use totally different brands of devices.
And, aside from the previous year's December statement, I only keep the most current statement for which there was in or out activity aside from month-end interest or dividends received that month. The rest is vaporized.
10:49 am
September 6, 2020

Years ago a friend told me about Western Digital external hard drive. I have it automatically backup everything that has changed on my computer since the last backup. You can set how many backup copies to keep. My cycle is set to 24 hours. I backup overnight. Highly reliable. They are reasonably priced.
Have a Great Day
2:11 pm
December 7, 2011

Norman1 said
It sounds like EQ Bank didn't think things through enough.How were they supposed to do RRSP and TFSA transfers without printed forms? Unlike regular accounts, one can't "push" the money in an RRSP account to an RRSP account at another financial institution.
EQ RRSP and TFSA transfers forms needs to be filled up in "My Account", printed, signed and sent to EQ via mail, fax or digital upload.
2:19 pm
December 7, 2011

Regarding external hard drives and memory sticks, I think they can fail both or infected by some strange viruses.
For that very reason, I always additionally to my memory sticks using simple CD as a storage device. Files on that CD can't be changed, so that is good regarding viruses protection.
Good quality CD usually readable good for about 20 years or so, but every 10 years I'm simple making another CD copy and that is how I'm keeping my data alive and secure.
5:56 pm
September 11, 2013

Whenever I have a memory stick plugged into the USB port on my computer I make sure not to have my browser open. Not sure if that helps but it makes me feel like I'm offline and thus protected.
So I'm not really worried about viruses, as the only files on the stick are ones I first downloaded to the computer and that were scanned by my virus protection thing at that time.
8:30 pm
March 30, 2017

If you use a smart phone, there are quite a few monochrome (black only) laser printer you can get for around $100. They are wifi and you can print direct from your phone to the printer. You prob do need a desktop or labtop to set up the printer initially tho.
For example, I use iphone and I am able to print to my Samsung (SCX-4729FW) directly thru my wifi. That printer is at least 5years old+ so current technology should make it even easier in terms of use and setup.
Re usb stick, they are flash memory and are prone to fail. I have at least 1 or 2 in the past that out of the blue they stop working and not recognize by the computer anymore. External harddrive are more reliable as a backup location.
7:30 am
December 7, 2011

savemoresaveoften said
If you use a smart phone ...
I don't have a smart phone, only prepaid phone with buttons for emergency use.
Yes, I can afford a few smart phones, but I have decided not to get one until such smartphone in form of a microchip will be mandatory forcibly implanted under the skin in all people.
Until that time I'm happy without GPS, Apps, all social media networks, Zoom, Skype and all other etc.
10:02 am
December 7, 2011

Thank you JenE for printing and mailing the form to me absolutely for free! I really appreciate your help, JenE!
Now I will be able to designate my beneficiary and take advantage of that EQ TFSA special 2.3% rate in 2021. That rate probably will be only for a few months, but it's worth to deposit to TFSA anyways. Without designating my beneficiary I would not do that.
Please write your comments in the forum.