7:41 am
February 20, 2018

I find it interesting Mr Lee made a takeover bid for Inter Pipeline (IPL) that was rejected by the co. does it put a floor under the stock? He controls Husky appears to be cheap whats the problem?
11:31 am
October 27, 2013

What is there to speculate? Is there a problem?
Li Ka-Shing had no doubt seen how cheap IPL was and made a speculative offer, or perhaps a strategic offer at the bequest of the Chinese government. After all, he (they) already control Husky and CNOOC owns Nexen. It is no secret the Chinese are looking to lock up more Western Canadian oil... to transport it via TMX when it gets built.
IPL has been an exceptional cheap stock for about 3+ years, ever since its growth prospects have been ring fenced by the lack of pipeline takeaway export capacity. When/if TMX, Enbringe Line 3 and/or TRP's Keystone XL get built, increased production growth will require IPL expansions.
8:34 pm
February 20, 2018

7:16 am
February 20, 2018

10:21 am
January 12, 2019

O&G will come back ... it always has, and always will. It's a Very Cyclical business. The question isn't "If" ... but "When?".
While waiting for the inevitable next O&G 'Boom', many of the large and secure companies (PPL, CNQ, IPL, SU, etc., ... ) pay us to hold & wait, with their Hefty Dividends.
When investing in the O&G business during a down-turn, Patience wins.
" Live Long, Healthy ... And Prosper! "
11:53 am
October 21, 2013

7:49 am
February 20, 2018

2:48 pm
February 20, 2018

Who says oil is effected by recession. Lookin at price of Imperial close to same price as 08/09
10:56 am
February 20, 2018

11:16 am
February 20, 2018

12:18 pm
January 12, 2019

12:44 pm
September 11, 2013

I always tend to look also at the macro view of what's going on. In this case, daily there's increasing worldwide momentum for pension and other large pooled funds to divest themselves of "dirty" energy investments (I've been told there's a "climate emergency" mainly caused by oil and its derivatives), so seems to me that's a lot of downward pressure on these equities. And lots of this momentum comes from young folks (e.g. university student unions pressuring faculty pension or university endowment funds to divest from "non-ethical" investments) so my guess is it could be a long-term factor pressuring oil stock prices.
2:20 pm
February 20, 2018

Go against the herd isn't that what they say. Buy when a sector is out of favour. Looks ripe for private equity to move in and change the narrative. Students are idiots used by special interests. Climate changin sure, "emergency" bogus. Im seeing the radical environmental industry weakening. They want us to stop consuming everything that isnt realistic. Clean oil
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