8:35 pm
March 23, 2012

I recently discovered that Desjardins is now offering a new online high interest savings account. The account name is "High Interest S@vings Account" and it currently features a promotional interest rate of 1.75% until March 31st 2014. It can be used for non-registered savings or RRSP accounts (not available for TFSA). You can get more info here : http://desjardins.com/ca/perso...../index.jsp
6:58 pm
December 12, 2009

While I would support adding an individual sub-forum here for "Desjardins", it generally considered an unwritten rule that, in order to qualify for inclusion in the site's "comparison chart", the HISA must maintain several requirements:
* accessible to all Canadians in all provinces and territories or, alternatively, all provinces and territories with the exception of Quebec (however, when they do exclude Quebec residents, an exclusion notification is made in the "comparison chart")
* must be able to be opened in-branch at any branch in all or the majority of the Canada's provinces and territories or opened online through non-face-to-face account opening procedures without requiring a mobile mortgage or banking specialist to come to your home where the product will be sold in conjunction with a mortgage/home equity line of credit
* must not be held in broker "book-entry"/nominee form; must be held in one's own name
As well, finally, the regular interest rate on HISAs must be equal to or higher than the current bottom two savings accounts (currently, PC Financial and Tangerine, formerly known as ING DIRECT Canada).
(Does that sound about right, Peter, now that we've somewhat codified those previously "unofficial" rules into writing?)
Do let Peter know if you'd like there to be a Desjardins forum, though.
10:17 am
February 22, 2013

11:57 am
December 12, 2009

1:39 pm
December 12, 2009

Please write your comments in the forum.